1 ZEYNEP ELİBOL BRÖNNEKE Mobile phone: +90 535 496 25 26

Mobile phone: +90 535 496 25 26
[email protected]
2010 - present
İstanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Public Law Ph.D. Program
- Subject of Dissertation: The Criteria of Object and Purpose Compatibility within the
Framework of Reservations to Human Rights Treaties, and the Case of Turkey
February - June 2015
Oxford University Faculty of Law, Junior Academic Visitor
June - July 2014
The Hague Academy of International Law, Summer Program in Public International Law
University of Michigan, LL.M. Program (courses attended include Protection of Human
Rights in International Law, Public International Law, International Peace and Security,
European Legal Order and International Courts and Tribunals)
2007 - 2008
İstanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Private Law Masters Program
(only courses phase completed, program interrupted by the LL.M. program in the
University of Michigan)
2003 - 2007
Koç University, İstanbul, B.A. in Law
1998 - 2003
German High School (Deutsche Schule, Istanbul)
2015 - 2017
Newton Advanced Fellowship Grant - early career research fellow in the project titled
“Effects of International Human Rights Law on Public International Law and its SubBranches”
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Grant under the
scheme of 2214/A – Scholarship for conducting research at Oxford University
2013 - 2015
Certificate of coaching the JESSUP team of Koç University, the Winner of 2013 National
Certificate of Outstanding Performance in the Law of International Peace and Security
course, University of Michigan
Grotius Fellowship, University of Michigan
2nd Ranking Student Award indicating the graduation ranking from the Law School
2003, 2005 - 2007
Vehbi Koç Scholar Award (granted to students with GPAs over 3.50/4.00)
“Turkey’s reservations to international human rights instruments – the issue of compatibility with the object and purpose”
Blog-post available at: https://kuremer.ku.edu.tr/en/compatibility-object-purpose-test-and-turkeys-reservations-internationalhuman-rights-instruments/
“EPİ Süreci ve Türkiye’nin Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Sözleşmelerine Koyduğu Çekinceler” (“UPR Process and Turkey’s
Reservations to International Human Rights Treaties”), Report prepared for the Human Rights Joint Platform, Turkey, January
15, 2015, available at: http://www.ihop.org.tr/2015/01/15/turkiyenin-uluslararasi-insan-haklari-sozlesmelerine-koydugucekinceler-raporu/ (based on a conference presentation)
“The ILC’s Clever Compromise on the Validity of Reservations to Treaties: A Rejoinder to Marko Milanovic and LinosAlexandre Sicilianos”, Zeynep Elibol and Başak Çalı, EJIL:Talk!, April 11, 2014, available at:
“The Bosphorus Case: A Critical Analysis of the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights
Decisions”, Journal of İstanbul University Faculty of Law, pp. 295-330, Vol. LXXI, Nr. 1, 2013
“Environmental Protection from the perspective of the ECHR in correspondence with the jurisdiction of the ECtHR”, Joint
Seminar on International and European Environmental Law, ed. Tütüncü, Başkaracıoğlu, Mantı, pp. 39-53, Beta, İstanbul 2013
(based on a conference presentation)
“Uluslararası Hukukta Irksal Ayrımcılık” (“Racial Discrimination in International Law”), Fasikül, Aylık Hukuk Dergisi (Law
Journal), TC İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, pp. 27-37, year:3, Nr.16, 2011
“The Security Council Response to Mass Atrocities, A Case Study of Rwanda and Darfur”, Annales de la Faculté de Droit
d’Istanbul, pp. 3-36, Vol. 41, Nr. 58, 2009
February 2016
“The Effects of International Human Rights Law on the Case Law of the International
Court of Justice”, Workshop on the effects of international human rights law on
international law and its sub-branches, launched with the cooperation of the Koç University
Center for Global Public Law, University of Essex, United Kingdom
February 2014
“EPİ Süreci ve Türkiye’nin Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Sözleşmelerine Koyduğu
Çekinceler”, Meeting of the Joint Platform of Human Rights at the University of Ankara
October 2012
“Environmental Protection within the framework of the European Convention on Human
Rights”, Joint Seminar with the University of Bielefeld and the University of Kassel,
İstanbul University Law School (published)
April 2012
“A Legal Approach to the Syrian Uprising – The Legality of an Intervention”, Model
United Nations launched by Üsküdar Amerikan High School, İstanbul
September 2009 - present
Research and teaching assistant at Koç University Law School, International Law Section
- assistance to Dr. Başak Çalı and Dr. Murat Önok in the courses of International Law and
International Human Rights Law
- providing problem sessions to students once a week on leading cases in international law,
giving lectures on the UN, law of the sea, and sub-topics of international human rights law
- other activities such as interviews with visiting professors, i.e. with Prof. Nigel Simmonds
and Prof. Bruno de Witte on behalf of Koç University Law School (available at:
law.ku.edu.tr under ‘Academic Interviews’)
June 2015 - present
Associate editor at the Oxford Human Rights Law Reporters
January - June 2015
Researcher for the EU Horizon 2020 Research Grant Application, i.e. the project titled
“The EU as a Rule of Law Promoter: Assessing the Implementation and Consequences of
EU’s Rule of Law Tools in Comparative Legal Settings”
- research on the EU as a rule of law promoter
April - September 2013
Translator in the United Nations Joint Programme Fostering and Enabling Environment for
Gender Equality in Turkey (2013), by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and
the Empowerment of Women (UNWOMEN)
2007 - 2008
Research assistant at Koç University Law School, Private Law Section
August 2006
Intern at Koç Holding A.Ş., Legal Department
August 2005
Intern at Birsel Law Offices, İstanbul
- mergers and acquisitions, privatization and insurance.
June - July 2004
Intern at the Legal Department of Garanti Bank headquarters, İstanbul
- investigation of files and preparation of petitions and replies for open cases.
- observing litigations
Turkish: native
English: fluent (TOEFL score: 114/120)
German: fluent (Abitur Diploma)
2014 - present
Member of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), International
Human Rights Law group
2008 - 2009
Member of Phi Delta Phi Law School Fraternity
2008 - 2009
Vocalist of the University of Michigan Law School Music Club Band
2004 - 2007
Founding Member of Koç University Law Club
Member of Koç University Mountaineering Club
Writer for the Koç University Law School Journal, “Justitia”
Project executive manager and instructor at Koç University Volunteers Club - computer
literacy education for women