Public Offering of Teknosa İç ve Dış T

16.03.2012 16:54:15 Public Offering of Teknosa İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.
Abstract: Public Offering of Teknosa İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.
At the Board of Directors of H.Ö. Sabancı Holding A.Ş. meeting held on
16.03.2012, it has been resolved to put our Company’s existing 1.100.000
shares which are representing TL 11.000.000 with a nominal value of Krs 1
each in Teknosa İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. registered under 434426-382008 at
Istanbul Commercial Registry on initial public offering.
It has also been resolved to sell our Company’s 165.000 shares, representing
TL 1.650.000 with a nominal value of Krs 1 each, partially or wholly in
accordance with the right to secondary offering granted under public