Harvard Public Health School/Kocaeli University Medical School

Harvard Public Health School/Kocaeli University Medical School "Kocaeli Medical School
Travel Award Program”
Dr Myriam Afeiche Program
09.00 -12.00 Visit to Pediatrics and Fertilization Departments, meeting academics
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
13.00- 15.00 Visit to Pediatrics endocrinology department and meeting with academics
09.00 -12.00 Visit to Pediatrics Department Academic Staff+ Discussion of possible research
collaborations with Dr Zuhal Gundogdu
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
13.00-14.00 Presentation on diet and cancer by Dr Jennifer
14.30- 16.00 Meeting the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
09.00 -12.00 Visit to Pediatrics outpatients polyclinics
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
13.00- 14.00 Presentation on infertility and diet, by Dr Myriam Afeiche (hospital conference room )
14.30-16.00 Discussion with Prof Vural of IVF unit for new research projects
09.00 -12.00 Meeting
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
13.00- 14.00 Presentation on lead exposure and child's physical growth in pediatrics department, Dr
M Afeiche (pediatrics department education room)
14.30- 16.00 Meeting Vice Chancellor of Kocaeli Üniversity
Dinner with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
09.00 -12.00 Visiting various research labs in faculty of medicine
Lunch break
13.00- 16.00 Tour of Kocaeli, sightseeing
Istanbul Tour
Dr Myriam Afeiche
graduated from Environmental Health, American University of Beirut,
Lebanon followed by an MPH from Environmental Health Sciences-University of Michigan School of
Public Health, USA. She obtained her PhD in Environmental Epidemiology-University of Michigan
School of Public Health, USA. She was also a teaching assistant as well as acted as a project manager at
the same university during her PhD. She developed protocols, created a supply inventory, ordered
laboratory supplies, and lead a team of students to aliquot blood for DNA extraction, store and aliquot
DNA for future projects- holding weekly conference calls with collaborators at HSPH and field team in
Mexico. Dr. Afeiche’s research interests include the study of nutritional, lifestyle, and environmental
exposures on development, puberty, and reproduction. She is investigating the influence of nutritional
and lifestyle factors on semen parameters and in-vitro fertilization outcomes among couples
undergoing fertility treatment. In addition, she is also examining diet in relation to semen parameters
among a cohort of young men.
During her PhD, she studied prenatal lead exposure in relation to child body habitus, attained
height, and adolescent sexual maturation in a longitudinal birth cohort study (ELEMENT) in Mexico
Ziyaret Programı Hakkında
Harvard School of Public Health (http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/) ile Kocaeli Üniversitesi Tıp
Fakültesi arasında 2012 yılından bu yana "Kocaeli Medical School Travel Award" isimli bir program
yürütülmektedir. Bu program çerçevesinde Harvard' da görev yapan doktora sonrası
araştırmacılardan ödüle başvuranlar arasında seçilenler, deneyimlerini paylaşmak amacıyla
üniversitemizi ziyaret etmektedirler. Bu kapsamda geçen yıl iki araştırmacı fakültemizi ziyaret etmiş,
deneyimlerini paylaşmış ve işbirlikleri olanakları tartışılmıştır. Program kapsamında bu yılda 3
araştırmacı 20-27 Mayıs tarihlerinde fakültemizi ziyaret edecektir. Araştırmacıların deneyimlerinden
faydalanmak için çeşitli konferanslar ve ziyaretler planlanmıştır. Bu işbirliğinin karşılıklı bir
değişim programına dönüştürülmesi amacıyla çalışmalar devam etmektedir.