ÖN SÖZ LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ 3 kitabı, LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İngilizce sınavlarına hazırlanan ve orta (intermediate) seviyede İngilizce bilgisine sahip kişilerin bu sınavlarda başarılı olabilmeleri için şart olan sınav İngilizcesi dil bilgisi konularını sistematik olarak öğrenmelerine yardımcı olmak amacıyla Dr. Hikmet Şahiner tarafından 10 yıllık bir emek sonucunda titizlikle hazırlanmıştır. LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ 3 kitabında, orta-üst seviyede (upper intermediate) bilinmesi şart olan bütün dil bilgisi konuları en detaylı bir şekilde örnek cümleler ve formüllerle Türkçe olarak açıklanmaktadır. Anlatılan konuların pratiğe geçirilebilmesi amacıyla her ünite sonunda yüzlerce çoktan seçmeli sorudan oluşan testler verilmektedir. Sınav İngilizce bilgisini geliştirmek isteyen kişiler bu kitabı tamamladıktan sonra LYS-5, YDS, TOEFL, IELTS gibi üst-orta seviyedeki İngilizce sınavlarında başarılı olmak için gerekli sınav İngilizcesi dil bilgisi konularını öğrenmiş olacaklardır. DR. HİKMET ŞAHİNER 1972 Ankara doğumlu Dr. Hikmet ŞAHİNER Ankara Üniversitesi DTCF Fakültesinden 1993 yılında bölüm birincisi olarak (94/100) mezun oldu. 1991-1993 yılları arasında Ankara’da çeşitli şirket ve kuruluşlarda İngilizce mütercim-tercüman olarak çalıştı. 1995 yılında Cornell Üniversitesinden yüksek lisansını aldı. 1997 yılında The University of Texas at Austin Üniversitesinden yüksek lisans derecesini aldı. 2002 yılında The Johns Hopkins Üniversitesinden doktora derecesini aldı. Dr. Hikmet Şahiner, 1999 yılından bu yana TOEFL, KPDS, ÜDS ve YDS sınav soruları ve bu sınavlara yönelik kurs kitapları ve materyalleri hazırlamaktadır! 2003 yılında Türkiye’ye dönen Dr. ŞAHİNER Ankara’da yüz yüze gruplara TOEFL, ÜDS ve KPDS kursları vermeye başladı. Dr. Şahiner, 2003 yılından bu yana İstanbul’da ve online TOEFL ve YÖKDİL/YDS kurslarını vermektedir: http://www.hikmetsahiner.com İÇİNDEKİLER 1. BÖLÜM BASIC SENTENCES BASİT CÜMLELER __________________________________________________ 1 ÜNİTE 1 GERUNDS & INFINITIVES FİİLİMSİ & MASTAR İSİMLER __________________________________ 3 ÜNİTE 2 PREPOSITIONS EDATLAR _______________________________________________________________ 57 ÜNİTE 3 COLLOCATIONS EDAT ÖBEKLERİ ______________________________________________________ 107 ÜNİTE 4 COMPLEX PREPOSITIONS KARMAŞIK EDATLAR ______________________________________ 159 ÜNİTE 5 TENSES ZAMAN KİPLERİ _______________________________________________________________ 199 ÜNİTE 6 MODALS KİP BELİRTEÇLERİ ___________________________________________________________ 275 ÜNİTE 7 PASSIVE & CAUSATIVE VOICE EDİLGEN & ETTİRGEN YÜKLEMLER __________________ 325 ÜNİTE 8 CONJUNCTIONS BAĞLAÇLAR __________________________________________________________ 373 2. BÖLÜMCOMPOUND SENTENCES BİLEŞİK CÜMLELER _______________________________________ 379 3. BÖLÜM COMPLEX SENTENCES KARMAŞIK CÜMLELER _______________________________________ 405 ÜNİTE 9 COUNDITIONAL AND WISH CLAUSES ŞART - DİLEK TÜMCELERİ ____________________ 409 ÜNİTE 10 NOUN CLAUSES / İSİM TÜMCELERİ ____________________________________________________ 461 ÜNİTE 11 ADJECTIVE CLAUSES / SIFAT TÜMCELERİ ____________________________________________ 513 ÜNİTE 12 ADVERB CLAUSES / ZARF TÜMCELERİ ________________________________________________ 581 ÜNİTE 13 CONNECTIVE ADVERBS / CÜMLE BAĞLAÇLARI _______________________________________ 671 1. BÖLÜM BASIC SENTENCES BASİT CÜMLELER YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 1 everybody was able to escape unhurt. COULDN’T YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 There weren’t so many electric appliances in the past, so women had to spend very long hours doing the housework. DIDN’T HAVE / NEED TO DO - NEEDN’T HAVE DONE ÜNİTE 1 ÜNİTE 1 ■ COULD kip belirtecinin olumsuz hali, geçmişte kazanılmamış becerileri veya yapılamamış durumları ifade eder. I couldn’t use a computer just three months ago, but now I can. The students didn’t want to have a test that day, but they couldn’t persuade the teacher to cancel it. ■ DIDN’T HAVE TO, DIDN’T NEED TO ve NEEDN’T HAVE DONE yarı kip belirteçleri aynı anlamda olup, geçmişte bir şeyi yapmada zorunluluk veya gereklilik olmadığını ifade eder. I didn’t have to/didn’t need to wait for my friends long. They were only ten minutes late. (The meaning is: I didn’t wait long.) GERUNDS & INFINITIVES FİİLİMSİ & MASTAR İSİMLER HAD TO – GEÇMİŞTEKİ DURUMSAL ZORUNLULUK ■ HAD TO yarı kip belirteci, geçmişteki zorunlulukları ifade eder. It was very busy at work yesterday. I had to work until late. When I was a child, there weren’t so many toys. We had to make our own toys. ~ Did you have to get up early last year? ~ No, classes started at noon last year, so I didn’t have to get up early. ~ Did you have to wear a uniform when you were in high school? ~ Yes, I did. (Yes, I had to wear a uniform.) 3 She didn’t have to/didn’t need to go shopping after work. Her husband had already done the shopping, (so she didn’t do it.) You needn’t have washed the dishes by hand. I was going to put them in the dish washer. (But you washed them by hand and you wasted your time and energy.) There is plenty of food at home. You needn’t have gone shopping. (It was unnecessary for you to go shopping.) SHOULD (NOT) / OUGHT TO (NOT) HAVE DONE ■ SHOULD HAVE DONE ve OUGHT TO HAVE DONE kip belirteçleri aynı anlama sahip olup, geçmişte tam tersi sonucu olan tavsiyeleri ifade ederken kullanılır. Örneğin, ‘you should / ought to have done it’ – onu yapmalıydın (ama yapmadın) anlamına gelirken, FİİLİMSİ İSİMLER ■ Bir fiilin sonuna –ing takısı eklenerek üreten isimlere fiilimsi isim (gerund) denilmektedir. Fiilimsi isimlerin olumsuz şekli fiilimsi ismin önüne not konarak yapılır. Fiilimsi isimler 4 farklı yapıda karşımıza çıkar. a) Şimdiki zaman etken fiilimsiler (taking: take + ing) Learning English is not as easy as it seems. He enjoys visiting art museums. b) Şimdiki zaman edilgen fiilimsiler (being taken: be + ing taken) Being accepted to Harvard University has dramatically changed his life. She has never liked being photographed. ■ Fiilimsi isimle ifade edilen eylem cümlenin yükleminden daha önce gerçekleşmişse geçmiş zaman fiilimsi isim şeklinde kullanılır. c) Geçmiş zaman etken fiilimsiler (having taken: have + ing taken) Martin denied having seen the accused man on the day of the crime. I regret not having met him earlier in my life. I regret not having been at his side during his illness last winter. d) Geçmiş zaman edilgen fiilimsiler (having been taken: have + ing been taken) She appreciates having been awarded a scholarship by Harvard University. She is happy about having been taught written English by Dr. Şahiner. YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 5 ■ Fiilimsi isimler aşağıdaki şekillerde kullanılır: 1. Bir cümlede özne olarak Hitchhiking can be dangerous. Dancing bored him. 2. Aşağıdaki bazı fiillerden sonra dolaysız nesne olarak admit appreciate avoid consider delay deny discuss dislike enjoy finish imagine involve mention mind miss postpone practice prefer quit recall recommend resent resist risk suggest tolerate He enjoyed reading novels. Yuri considered calling the mayor. He was having trouble getting a work permit. Yuri’s boss recommended taking an interpreter to the permit agency. 3. Bir edat veya edat fiil tamlamasından sonra I’m thrilled about going to that party. You should give up smoking. We talked about going to Antalya for our vacation. We talked about not going to the departmental meeting, but finally we decided to go. Susan is in charge of organizing the UN meeting. We’re interested in learning more about your book. I’m used to sleeping with the TV on. I’m accustomed to sleeping with the TV on. He was accused of smuggling. I look forward to hearing from you soon. They object to investing more money into this enterprise. You can turn on the device by pushing the red button. He generated power by linking and short-circuiting two batteries. EDATLARDAN SONRA FİİLİMSİ İSİM KULLANIMI Bir edattan sonra fiil kullanılırken, bu fiil gerunda (fiilimsi isme) dönüştürülmek zorundadır: What can you do besides typing? I have no objection to hearing your story again. Touch your toes without bending your knees! He is good at diving. She is fond of climbing. I’m not keen on gambling. I’m too afraid of losing. He was fined for being drunk in charge of a car. I’m against saying anything/I’m for saying nothing. I’m tired of arguing. I’m fed up waiting. (colloquial) This is a tool for opening tins. Do you feel like going out? After swimming I felt cold. She disapproves of jogging. What about leaving it here and collecting it later? He is thinking of emigrating. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. They escaped by sliding down a rope. We had difficulty in finding a parking place. You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving so badly. In spite of starting late he arrived in time. Aren’t you interested in making money? There’s no point in waiting. YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 6 4. Çeşitli fiziksel aktiviteleri ifade etmek için go fiiliyle birlikte We go fishing in the summer. I love to go sailing on the weekends. She went shopping for a new dress today. Have you ever gone skiing? 5. Edilgen anlam ifade ederken need, want, require fiillerinden sonra Your room needs cleaning. (Your room needs to be cleaned.) 6. catch, find, leave gibi fiillerden sonra ikincil nesne olarak I caught him listening behind the door. 7. be busy, spend, waste + para/zaman ifadelerinden sonra I used to spend hours looking at the sea. FİİLİMSİ İSİMLERİN İYELİK SIFAT VEYA NESNELERLE BİRLİKTE KULLANIMI ■ Bir fiilimsi isimden önce bir iyelik sıfatı veya nesne zamiri kullanılabilir. Bu 2 kullanım arasında hiçbir anlam farkı yoktur. She is worried about Frank’s wasting his time. She is worried about Frank wasting his time. Dr. Jackson complained about our coming to class late. Dr. Jackson complained about our having come to class late. Dr. Jackson complained about us coming to class late. Dr. Jackson complained about Mary’s coming to class late. Dr. Jackson complained about Mary coming to class late. KENDİSİNDEN SONRA FİİLİMSİ İSİM ALAN BAZI FİİLLER VE ÖRNEK CÜMLELER admit He admitted stealing the money. advise She advised waiting until tomorrow. anticipate I anticipate having a good time on vacation. appreciate I appreciated hearing from them. avoid He avoided answering my question. begin It began raining. complete I finally completed writing my term paper. consider I will consider going with you. continue He continued speaking. delay He delayed leaving for school. deny She denied committing the crime. discuss They discussed opening a new business. dislike I dislike driving long distances. enjoy We enjoyed visiting them. finish She finished studying about ten. forget I’ll never forget visiting Napoleon’s tomb. hate I hate making silly mistakes. can’t help I can’t help worrying about it. keep I keep hoping he will come. like I like going to movies. love I love going to operas. mention She mentioned going to a movie. mind Would you mind helping me with this? miss I miss being with my family. postpone Let’s postpone leaving until tomorrow. practice The athlete practiced throwing the ball. prefer Ann prefers walking to driving to work. quit He quit trying to solve the problem. recall I don’t recall meeting him before. YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 7 recollect I don’t recollect meeting him before. recommend She recommended seeing the show. regret I regret telling him my secret. remember I can remember meeting him when I was a child. resent I resent her interfering in my business. resist I couldn’t resist eating chocolate. risk She risks losing all of her money. start It started raining. stop She stopped going to classes when she got sick. suggest She suggested going to a movie. tolerate I won’t tolerate cheating during an examination. try I tried changing the light bulb, but the lamp still didn’t work. understand I don’t understand his leaving school. MASTAR İSİMLER Bir fiilin önüne to kelimesi eklenerek üreten isimlere mastar isim (infinitive) denilmektedir. Mastar isimlerin olumsuz şekli mastar ismin önüne not konarak yapılır. Mastar isimler 4 farklı yapıda karşımıza çıkar. a) Şimdiki zaman etken mastar isimler (to take: to + take) She hesitated to answer my question. I am planning to spend my vacation in Malibu this year. She is likely to be at home now. b) Şimdiki zaman edilgen mastar isimler (to be taken: to + be + taken) He seems to be given pay rises regularly. I don’t want to be told what to do. I didn’t expect to be invited to her wedding. Mastar isimle ifade edilen eylem cümlenin yükleminden daha önce gerçekleşmişse geçmiş zaman mastar isim şeklinde kullanılır. Geçmiş zaman mastar isimler özellikle seem, appear, pretend gibi fiillerle ve lucky, fortunate, happy, pleased gibi sıfatlarla çok sık kullanılır. c) Geçmiş zaman etken mastar isimler (to have taken: to + have + taken) I’m happy to have passed the exam. You seem to have passed the exam. She is fortunate to have studied abroad. d) Geçmiş zaman edilgen mastar isimler (to have been taken: to + have + been taken) They seem to have been surprised at the news. He seems to have been given a pay rise last month. She is lucky to have been sent abroad. YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 8 Özellikle, promise, seem, appear, claim, expect, hope, happen, pretend gibi fiilllerinin etken çekiminden sonra sonra ve believe, say, think, know, consider, suppose, understand fiillerinin edilgen çekiminden sonra geçmiş zaman mastar isimler kullanılır. He claimed to have climbed Mount Everest. She seemed to have cried all night. He is understood to have left the country. He is thought to have stolen the emerald. The emerald is thought to have been stolen. Mastar isimler aşağıdaki şekillerde kullanılır: 1. Aşağıdaki bazı fiillerden hemen sonra dolaysız nesne olarak afford agree appear arrange ask beg claim decide demand deserve expect fail forget happen hesitate hope learn manage mean need offer plan prepare pretend promise refuse regret remember seem tend threaten volunteer want 2. Aşağıdaki fiiller ve dolaysız nesnelerden sonra dolaylı nesne olarak advise allow ask beg cause challenge convince encourage expect forbid force hire instruct invite need order permit persuade remind require teach tell urge want warn 3. Bir amaç bildiren in order (=so as) edatından sonra (edat kullanımındaki tek istisna) I went home to check if everything was alright. 4. would like, would love, would prefer fiil yapılarından sonra I would prefer to stay home than go to that party. 5. the first/second/last/best vb. gibi üstünlük derecesi sıfatlarından sonra Laika was the first dog to travel to the moon. 6. some, any, no ve bu miktar belirteçleriyle oluşturulan zamirlerden sonra It seems that she doesn’t have anything to do. 7. it + be + yüklemsel sıfat (+of / for + nesne) yapısından sonra It was generous of her to host us for the night. 8. too / enough yeterlik zarflarıyla birlikte This coffee is too hot for me to drink. 9. it + take + zaman ifadesi yapısıyla bnirlikte It takes me half an hour to walk home from here. 10. Aşağıdaki fiillerden sonra who, what, which, where, how (ama why ile değil) ilgi zamirleriyle başlayan isim tümcelerinin kısaltılmış hali olarak ask decide explain forget know learn remember show tell understand wonder teach I don’t know how to ask for a raise. 11. Özellikle aşağıdaki isimlerden sonra mastar isim kullanılarak isim tamlaması oluşturma Yazı İngilizcesinde çok yaygın hale gelmiştir: ability demand failure request ambition desire offer scheme anxiety determination plan willingness wish attempt eagerness promise decision effort refusal His ability to get on with people is his chief asset. He made an attempt/effort to stand up. Failure to obey the regulations may result in disqualification. YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 9 Their offer/plan/promise to rebuild the town was not taken seriously. She was annoyed by his unwillingness to do his share of the work. KENDİSİNDEN SONRA MASTAR İSİM ALAN BAZI FİİLLER VE ÖRNEK CÜMLELER afford I can’t afford to buy it. agree They agreed to help us. appear She appears to be tired. arrange I’ll arrange to meet you at the airport. ask He asked to come with us. beg He begged to come with us. begin It began to rain. care I don’t care to see that show. claim She claims to know a famous movie star. consent She finally consented to marry him. continue He continued to speak. decide I have decided to leave on Monday. demand I demand to know who is responsible. deserve She deserves to win the prize. expect I expect to enter graduate school in the fall. fail She failed to return the book to the library on time. forget I forgot to mail the letter. hate I hate to make silly mistakes. hesitate Don’t hesitate to ask for my help. hope Jack hopes to arrive next week. learn He learned to play the piano. like I like to go to the movies. love I love to go to the movies. manage She managed to finish her work early. mean I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. need I need to have your opinion. offer They offered to help us. plan I am planning to have a party. prefer Ann prefers to walk to work. prepare We prepared to welcome them. pretend He pretends not to understand. promise I promise not to be late. refuse I refuse to believe his story. regret I regret to tell you that you failed. remember I remembered to lock the door. seem That cat seems to be friendly. start It started to rain. struggle I struggled to stay awake. swear She swore to tell the truth. threaten She threatened to tell my parents. try I’m trying to learn English. volunteer He volunteered to help us. wait I will wait to hear from you. want I want to tell you something. wish She wishes to come with us. YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM YEDİİKLİM LYS-5 & YÖKDİL & YDS İNGİLİZCESİ - 3 10 KENDİSİNDEN SONRA BİR NESNE ZAMİRİ VE MASTAR İSİM ALAN BAZI FİİLLER VE ÖRNEK CÜMLELER advise She advised me to wait until tomorrow. allow She allowed me to use her car. ask I asked John to help us. beg They begged us to come. cause Her laziness caused her to fail. challenge She challenged me to race her to the corner. convince I couldn’t convince him to accept our help. dare He dared me to do better than he had done. encourage He encouraged me to try again. expect I expect you to be on time. forbid I forbid you to tell him. force They forced him to tell the truth. hire She hired a boy to mow the lawn. instruct He instructed them to be careful. invite Harry invited the Johnsons to come to his party. need We needed Chris to help us figure out the solution. order The judge ordered me to pay a fine. permit He permitted the children to stay up persuade I persuaded him to come for a visit. remind She reminded me to lock the door. require Our teacher requires us to be on time teach My brother taught me to swim. tell The doctor told me to take these pills. urge I urged her to apply for the job. want I want you to be happy. warn I warned you not to drive too fast.