ÖZGEÇMİŞ Doç.Dr. NİHAT TUĞLUOĞLU TC Kimlik No / Pasaport No: 34085051220 Doğum Yılı: 1969 Yazışma Adresi : Demetgül mah. 413. sokak 82/7 Demetevler Ankara/Türkiye 06200 Telefon : e-posta : [email protected] EĞİTİM BİLGİLERİ Fakülte/Enstitü Öğrenim Alanı Mezuniyet Yılı Ülke Üniversite Türkiye Ankara Üniversitesi FEN FAKÜLTESİ KATIHAL FİZİĞİ Türkiye Ankara Üniversitesi FEN FAKÜLTESİ KATIHAL FİZİĞİ Yüksek Lisans 1994 Türkiye Ankara Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi FİZİK MÜHENDİSLİĞİ 1991 Derece Doktora 1999 Lisans AKADEMİK/MESLEKTE DENEYİM Kurum/Kuruluş Giresun Üniversitesi Ülke Şehir Bölüm/Birim Görev Türü Görev Dönemi Türkiye Giresun Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği Doç. Dr. 2015- TAEK Ankara Nükleer Araştırma Türkiye Ankara ve Eğitim Merkezi (ANAEM) Nükleer Elektronik ve Enstrümantasyon Birimi Teknik 1992Personel 2015 UZMANLIK ALANLARI Uzmanlık Alanları Yarıiletken devre elemanlarının karakterizasyonu, Güneş pilleri, İnce Filmler, Optik Özellikler, Heterojen yapıların karakterizasyonu MS ve MIS(MOS) yapılar, Schottky diyot, Dielektrik özellikler Proje Adı Aynı şartlar Kurum Gazi PROJE DENEYİMİ Bütçe Tarih 5000 Görev Proje Türü 01.06.2013- Araştırmacı/Uzman Ulusal altında üretilen özdeş Au/n-Si (100) Schottky diyotlarda karakteristik parametrelerin belirlenmesi Üniversitesi 01.06.2014 Silisyum tabanlı Schottky diyotlarının üretimi ve elektriksel karakterizasyonu Giresun Üniversitesi 15000 01.01.2012Araştırmacı/Uzman Ulusal 01.01.2013 Çok Amaçlı Yüksek Hassasiyetli Radyasyon Dedektörü (HIPRAD) Üretimi Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu 600000 01.01.2009Araştırmacı/Uzman Uluslararası 01.01.2014 Silisyum Yüzeylerine Kaplanan İnce Filmlerin Kalınlığının ve Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün AFM İle İncelenmesi TAEK Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu 20000 Sarayköy Nükleer Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi 01.01.2000Araştırmacı/Uzman Ulusal 01.01.2002 TAEK Türkiye Elektron Atom Hızlandırıcılarının Enerjisi Çevre ve Kurumu 50000 Malzeme Sarayköy Bilimindeki Nükleer Uygulamaları Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi 01.01.1999Araştırmacı/Uzman Ulusal 01.01.2004 Yoğunluk Fonksiyoneli Formalizminde Metallerin Taban Durumu Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi 01.01.1998Araştırmacı/Uzman Ulusal 01.01.1999 TÜBİTAK Başkanlık 20000 Yarıiletken Yapılarda Radyasyonun ve Yüzey Şartlarının Yapının Elektroniksel İletkeliğine Etkisi Aktif ve Pasif Optoelektronik Devre Elemanlarının Radyasyonla Etkileşmesi (D.7.1.1.) Silikon Tabanlı Devre Elemanları TAEK Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu 20000 Sarayköy Nükleer Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi 01.01.1998Araştırmacı/Uzman Ulusal 01.01.2000 TAEK Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu 30000 Sarayköy Nükleer Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi 01.01.1995Araştırmacı/Uzman Ulusal 01.01.1997 DİĞER AKADEMİK FAALİYETLER Son Bir Yılda Uluslararası İndekslere Kayıtlı Makale/Derleme İçin Yapılan Danışmanlık Sayısı Son Bir Yılda Projeler İçin Yapılan Danışmanlık Sayısı 5 Yayınlara Alınan Toplam Atıf Sayısı 485 Tamamlanan Danışmanlık Yapılan Öğrenci Sayısı 12 Yüksek Lisans Doktora Devam Eden 3 1 Uzmanlık Diğer Faaliyetler (Eser/görev/faaliyet/sorumluluk/olay/üyelik vb.) Ödülün Adı ÖDÜLLER Alındığı Kuruluş Yılı YAYINLARI SCI, SSCI, AHCI indekslerine giren dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler Tugluoglu, Nihat; Karadeniz, Serdar; Baris, Behzad, Analysis of relaxation time and density of interface trap on perylene-diimide (PDI)/p-Si (100) Schottky diodes, 2015, MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING Koralay, Haluk; Tugluoglu, Nihat; Akgul, Kubra Bengin; Cavdar, Sukru, Analysis of the Homogeneous Interface State Density of Identically Prepared Schottky Structures with Nano-Size Oxide Layer by Hill-Coleman Method, 2015, JOURNAL OF NANOELECTRONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS Tugluoglu, N.; Caliskan, F.; Yuksel, O. F., Analysis of inhomogeneous barrier and capacitance parameters for Al/rubrene/n-GaAs (100) Schottky diodes, 2015, SYNTHETIC METALS Tugluoglu, Nihat; Karadeniz, Serdar; Baris, Behzad, Electrical modulus and dielectric spectroscopy behavior of spin coated perylene-monoimide semiconductor films, 2014, MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING Karadeniz, S.; Tugluoglu, N., Isothermal annealing time effects on dielectric parameters of Au/SnO2/n-Si/Al structure, 2014, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Baris, Behzad; Ozdemir, Hatice Gurel; Tugluoglu, Nihat; Karadeniz, Serdar; Yuksel, Omer Faruk; Kisnisci, Zeynep, Optical dispersion and dielectric properties of rubrene organic semiconductor thin film, 2014, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS Tugluoglu, Nihat; Baris, Behzad; Gurel, Hatice; Karadeniz, Serdar; Yuksel, Omer Faruk, Investigation of optical band gap and device parameters of rubrene thin film prepared using spin coating technique, 2014, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Yuksel, O. F.; Tugluoglu, N.; Gulveren, B.; Safak, H.; Kus, M., Electrical properties of Au/perylene-monoimide/p-Si Schottky diode, 2013, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Baris, Behzad; Yuksel, Omer Faruk; Tugluoglu, Nihat; Karadeniz, Serdar, Double barrier heights in 5,6,11,12-tetraphenylnaphthacene (rubrene) based organic Schottky diode, 2013, SYNTHETIC METALS Tugluoglu, N.; Yuksel, O. F.; Karadeniz, S.; Safak, H., Frequency dependent interface state properties of a Schottky device based on perylene-monoimide deposited on n-type silicon by spin coating technique, 2013, MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING Yuksel, O. F.; Tugluoglu, N.; Safak, H.; Nalcacigil, Z.; Kus, M.; Karadeniz, S., Analysis of temperature dependent electrical properties of Au/perylenediimide/n-Si Schottky diodes, 2013, THIN SOLID FILMS Karadeniz, S.; Baris, B.; Yuksel, O. F.; Tugluoglu, N., Analysis of electrical properties of Al/p-Si Schottky contacts with and without rubrene layer, 2013, SYNTHETIC METALS Yuksel, O. F.; Tugluoglu, N.; Safak, H.; Kus, M., The modification of Schottky barrier height of Au/p-Si Schottky devices by perylene-diimide, 2013, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Tugluoglu, Nihat; Yuksel, O. Faruk; Safak, Haluk; Karadeniz, Serdar, The double Gaussian distribution of inhomogeneous barrier heights in the organicon-inorganic Schottky devices, 2012, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI AAPPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE Tugluoglu, N.; Karadeniz, S., Analysis of current-voltage and capacitancevoltage characteristics of perylene-monoimide/n-Si Schottky contacts, 2012, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS Tugluoglu, N.; Karadeniz, S.; Selcuk, A. Birkan; Ocak, S. Bilge, Effect of oxide thickness on the capacitance and conductance characteristics of MOS structures, 2007, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Selcuk, A. Birkan; Tugluoglu, N.; Karadeniz, S.; Ocak, S. Bilge, Analysis of frequency-dependent In/SiO2/P-Si series resistance and interface states of (MIS) structures, 2007, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Karadeniz, S.; Selcuk, A. Birkan; Tugluoglu, N.; Ocak, S. Bilge, On the interface trap density and series resistance of tin oxide film prepared on n-type Si(111) substrate: Frequency dependent effects before and after (CO)-C-60 gamma-ray irradiation, 2007, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS Yakuphanoglu, F.; Tugluoglu, Nihat; Karadeniz, S., Space charge-limited conduction in Ag/p-Si Schottky diode, 2007, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Tugluoglu, N.; Yakuphanoglu, F.; Karadeniz, S., Determination of the interface state density of the In/p-Si Schottky diode by conductance and capacitancefrequency characteristics, 2007, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Tugluoglu, N., Co-60 gamma-ray irradiation effects on the interface traps density of tin oxide films of different thicknesses on n-type Si(111) substrates, 2007, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS Serin, T; Serin, N; Karadeniz, S; Sari, H; Tugluoglu, N; Pakma, O, Electrical, structural and optical properties of SnO2 thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis, 2006, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Cavdar, S; Koralay, H; Tugluoglu, N; Gunen, A, Frequency-dependent dielectric characteristics of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O bulk superconductor, 2005, SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Acar, S; Kasap, M; Isik, BY; Ozcelik, S; Tugluoglu, N; Karadeniz, S, Quantitative mobility spectrum analysis for determination of electron and magneto transport properties of Te-doped GaSb, 2005, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Karadeniz, S; Tugluoglu, N; Sahin, M; Safak, H, Series resistance calculation for Ag contacts on single crystal layered p-SnS and p-SnSe compound semiconductors in the wide temperature range, 2005, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Karadeniz, S; Tugluoglu, N; Serin, T; Serin, N, The energy distribution of the interface state density of SnO2/p-Si(111) heterojunctions prepared at different substrate temperatures by spray deposition method, 2005, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Kasap, M; Acar, S; Ozcelik, S; Karadeniz, S; Tugluoglu, N, Temperaturedependent galvanomagnetic measurements on doped InSb and InAs grown by liquid encapsulated Czochralski, 2005, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Sahin, M; Safak, H; Tugluoglu, N; Karadeniz, S, Temperature dependence of current-voltage characteristics of Ag/p-SnS Schottky barrier diodes, 2005, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Tugluoglu, N; Karadeniz, S; Altindal, S, Effect of series resistance on the performance of silicon Schottky diode in the presence of tin oxide layer, 2005, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Karadeniz, S; Sahin, M; Tugluoglu, N; Safak, H, Temperature-dependent barrier characteristics of Ag/p-SnS Schottky barrier diodes, 2004, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Tugluoglu, N; Karadeniz, S; Acar, S; Kasap, M, Temperature-dependent barrier characteristics of inhomogeneous in/p-Si (100) Schottky barrier diodes, 2004, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Tugluoglu, N; Altindal, S; Tataroglu, A; Karadeniz, S, Dielectric properties in Au/SnO2/n-Si (MOS) structures irradiated under Co-60-gamma rays, 2004, MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL Tugluoglu, N; Karadeniz, S; Sahin, M; Safak, H, Temperature-dependent barrier characteristics of Ag/p-SnSe Schottky diodes based on I-V-T measurements, 2004, SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Acar, S; Karadeniz, S; Tugluoglu, N; Selcuk, AB; Kasap, M, Gaussian distribution of inhomogeneous barrier height in Ag/p-Si (100) Schottky barrier diodes, 2004, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Tugluoglu, N; Karadeniz, S; Sahin, M; Safak, H, Temperature dependence of current-voltage characteristics of Ag/p-SnSe Schottky diodes, 2004, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Karadeniz, S; Tugluoglu, N; Serin, T, Substrate temperature dependence of series resistance in A1/SnO2/p-Si (111) Schottky diodes prepared by spray deposition method, 2004, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Tataroglu, A; Altindal, S; Karadeniz, S; Tugluoglu, N, Au/SnO2/n-Si (MOS) structures response to radiation and frequency, 2003, MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL Altindal, S; Karadeniz, S; Tugluoglu, N; Tataroglu, A, The role of interface states and series resistance on the I-V and C-V characteristics in Al/SnO2/p-Si Schottky diodes, 2003, SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS Tugluoglu, N; Peder, M; Mutlu, RH, Structural stability and specific-heat coefficient of Yb, 1999, PHYSICS LETTERS A Tugluoglu, N; Mutlu, RH, Effect of zero-point corrections and k-point sampling on the structural stability determinations of alkali metals (vol 54, pg 10253, 1996), 1997, PHYSICAL REVIEW B Peder, M; Mutlu, RH; Tugluoglu, N, Calculated specific-heat coefficients of nonmagnetic closed-packed metals, 1997, PHYSICAL REVIEW B Tugluoglu, N; Mutlu, RH, Effect of zero-point corrections and k-point sampling on the structural stability determinations of alkali metals, 1996, PHYSICAL REVIEW B Diğer dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler Hakemli konferans/sempozyumların bildiri kitaplarında yer alan yayınlar Temperature Dependence of Current-Voltage Characteristics of Al/rubrene/nGaAs (100) Schottky Barrier Diodes, International Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference 2015" (ISSTC-2015), 2015 Analysis of electrical properties of numerous Schottky junctions prepared on silicon substrate, Turkish Physical Society 31th International Physics Congress, TFD-31, 2014 Dielectric spectroscopy studies in Au/PMI/p-Si Schottky diodes, International Workshop on Flexible Bio- and Organic Printed Electronics (IWOBOE 2014), 2014 Determination of the interface state density distribution of Au/PDI/n-Si Schottky diodes using C-V-f and G-V-f techniques, International Workshop on Flexible Bio- and Organic Printed Electronics (IWOBOE 2014), 2014 Dielectric and ac conductivity properties of perylene-monoimide layer prepared by using spin coating method on n-type Si (100) substrate, International Semiconductor Science & Technology Conference (ISSTC-2014), 2014 Effect of isothermal annealing time on electrical properties of Schottky diodes based on tin oxide film prepared by spin coating technique, ?, International Semiconductor Science & Technology Conference (ISSTC- 2014), 2014 Electrical properties of Al/CZTSe nanocrystal Schottky diode, International Semiconductor Science & Technology Conference (ISSTC-2014), 2014 Investigation of some optical parameters of Rubrene thin film, Turkish Physical Society 30th International Physics Congress, TFD-30, 2013 Optical dielectric and conductivity properties of 5,6,11,12 tetraphenylnaphthacene thin films, Turkish Physical Society 30th International Physics Congress, TFD-30, 2013 Inhomogeneous barrier analysis of Al/Rubrene/p-Si Schottky diodes over a wide temperature range, 3rd International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Sciences ?APMAS2013, 2013 Frequency dependent C-V and G-V characteristics of Au/perylene- monoimide/n-Si Schottky diodes, 2nd International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Sciences ?APMAS2012, 2012 Gaussian distribution of inhomogeneous barrier height in perylenemonoimide/n-Si (100) Schottky diodes, 2nd International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Sciences ?APMAS2012, 2012 Diğer yayınlar Düzenleme Tarihi :28/07/2015