1410001/0002 18/04•2014 15:33 FAX T.C. DI~i~LERi BAKANLIGI ikili Ekonomik i~ler Genel MudiirlUgU Say1 Konu : 43143608-705.23-2014/4538078 : Hudeyde Limam Derinle~tirme ve Yeni Konteyrur Yiikleme Bo§altma iskeleri ihaleleri 18.04.2014 TiJR.KiyE ODALAR VE BORSALAR BiRLiGi BA~KANLIGINA Yemen Klzddeniz Limanlan Anonim Ortakhg1 tarafmdan a~1lan "Hudeyde Limam Derinle~tirme ve Yeni Konteyrur Yii.kleme Bo~altma iskelesi Yap1m Projesi" ihalesine ili~n gazete ilarurun metni Sana Buyfikell(iligimizden almmakla ek:te sunulmaktadrr. Keyfiyetin ilgilenebilecek firmalar1rn1za duyurulmasllll izinlerine saygilanmla arzederim. ~ ....--. Murat DIKMEN Bakana. DaireB~kam Ek: ihale ilarn DaiJ.tlm: Bilgi: Ekonomi Bakanhg1 - Anl~malar Genel MUdfirlfigu Ula~tuma, Denizcilik ve Haberle~me Bakanhg1 - DI§ ili§kiler ve A vrupa Birligi Genel Miidfuliigu Tfirkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birligi B~kanbg1 Dl§ Ekonomik ili§kiler Kurulu Ba§kanllg1 T.C. D1~i~leri Bakanhg1, Doktor Sad1k Ahmet Caddesi No: 8 Balgat 06100 Ankara I Tiirkiye Telefon: 0 (312) 292 10 00, Faks: 287 59 14, http://www.mfa.gov.tr Aynnt1h bilgi l~;in lrtibat: Prnar c;ETIN, [email protected] 11111111111111111 * * 2 0 1 4 I 4 5 3 8 0 7 8 1/l ~ 0002/0002 18/0.V 2014 15:33 FAX Republic of Yemen Ministry of Transport Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation Head Office -Hodefdah Port J,..l..Ut 0..) lj_J 4.:;•.:11 ~'Jl _Hl (.,J\~ ~.).4 &~..l..:.Jl ~~- ~_;ll jS__,...ll SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST NAMEOF PROJECT: • uNew Container Terminal Berths Project And Deepening The Access Channel Of Hodeidah Port" CONSULTING SERVICES Expressions of Interest The Yem·en Red Sea Ports Corporation (YRSPC) has getGovernmental finance towards the cost of &&New Container Terminal Berths Project and Deepening the Ac¢ess Channel of Hodeidah Portn in Hodeidah and intends to apply part of the fund for the procurement of consultant's services. The services include: The works include the construction of Quay Walls, Deepening of Navigation Chanel, Turning basin, new container terminal, buildings, Fences, Utilities, and the services include: 1- Supervising the implementation of marine quay walls construction, building, Facilities and Infrastructures for the new container terminal; 2- Supervising the implementation of dredging works; 3- Follow up work of contractor until completion of project; 4- Assist and Participate iri evaluation of tenders with the technical committee. .. Implementation period 36 months The Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation (YRSPC) now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff~ etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Hig1h Tender Board's Manual for the Procurement of Consultants Services. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 08:00 AM to 02:00 PM from Sunday .. Thursday on any working day. Expressions of interest must. be delivered to the address below by Wednesc::;lay 7 /5/2014~ F----......,..,-~~);Ml'!i~--- Republic Of Yemen Port of Hodeidah - Head office Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation (YRSPC) Marine Eng. Fahd Abdul Kareem AI..Jabobi P.O Box: 3183 Phone: 00967-3-211601/600/217064