WEEK 6(chapter 14) CLASS EXERSIZES (Wil be shown at the and of Lab class) EX 6.1 ) Investigate examples of the week Required class Addditional class Program group NavigableSetTest.java NavigableSet NavigatableSet1.java NavigableSet HashSet1.java HashSet HashSet2.java HashMap1.java HashMap HashMap2.java Vehicletest1.java Vehicle.java Vehicleregister.java HashMap TreeSet1.java TreeSet TreeSet2.java TreeSet TreeSet3.java TreeSet Booktest1 Book.java Library.java TreeMap TreeMap2.java TreeMap TreeMapTest.java TreeMAp SetTest.java Set.java FrameGraphic.java Planets1.java vanderWaalstest.java ArrayList Vector vanderWaalsData.java vanderWaals.java ArrayList EX6.2 ) TreeMap2.java is given list of student identification numbers and student names as two String arrays and student with the id # 05090000580 is listed. Check out exercise HashMap1.java, and HashMap2.java similar to TreeMap2.java list name of student with the id # 05090000580 by using HasMap class. EX6.3) Use the list of student names in exercise 1 (given you in TreeMap2) and load it into Vector class, list the names, then delete name "ARTUN TÜTEN " from the Vector and list the remaining again WEEK 6 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS HW 6.1 One of the program investigated last semester to understand array structure usage was the hotel program. This program is using the array structure double guess[]; to store the number of guess information in each room, but as room numbers it is using the array indices 0,1,2,… Could you change to program into HashMap<Integer,Integer> structure so that the first number will store the actual room numbers of the hotel room and the second number will be number of guess in that room public class hotel { String hotel_name; int number_of_rooms; double guess[]; public hotel(String i_hotel_name,int i_number_of_rooms) { hotel_name=i_hotel_name; number_of_rooms=i_number_of_rooms; guess=new double[number_of_rooms]; } public hotel(String i_hotel_name,double i_guess[]) { hotel_name=i_hotel_name; number_of_rooms=i_guess.length; guess=new double[number_of_rooms]; for(int room_number=0;room_number<number_of_rooms;room_number++) {guess[room_number]=i_guess[room_number];} } public void room_registration(int room_number,int number_of_customers) { guess[room_number]=number_of_customers;} public void room_registration(double i_guess[]) { int n=i_guess.length; for(int room_number=0;room_number<n;room_number++) {guess[room_number]=i_guess[room_number];} } public int number_of_guess() { int nog=0; for(int room_number=0;room_number<number_of_rooms;room_number++) {nog+=guess[room_number];} return nog; } public String toString() { String s="Hotel name : "+hotel_name+"\n"; s+="Total number of guess : "+number_of_guess()+"\n"; for(int room_number=0;room_number<number_of_rooms;room_number++) {s+="room number = "+room_number+" number of guess = "+guess[room_number]+"\n";} return s; } public String name(){return hotel_name;} } import javax.swing.*; class hoteltest1 { public static void main(String args[]) { hotel h1=new hotel("long view",5); h1.room_registration(0,3); h1.room_registration(1,2); double a[]={1,3,4,5,1,2,3,6}; hotel h2=new hotel("nice beach",a); hotel h3=new hotel("blue point",10); double b[]={2,1,2,3,1,2,3}; h3.room_registration(b); h3.room_registration(8,3); String s=h1.toString()+"\n "+ h2.toString()+"\n "+ h3.toString()+"\n "; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s, "Hotel registry list",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); System.exit(0);} } HW6.2) NavigableSet1.java program is given. In this set student list strictly smaller than "BERNA NASUF " is required. Add the needed command to the programming code to achive this. import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; public class NavigatableSet1 { public static void main(String args[]) { String student_name[]={"MUSA GÜNGÖRÜRLER ", "BERNA NASUF ", "BERK SUROYI ", "Başak ŞİLEN ", "Cem DORU ", "Veysel AKSOY ", "NAİL YAKUPOĞLU ", "TUNÇ YAZICI ", "YAVUZ DURSUN ", "ARDA İNÇELİ ", "BENGÜL ERKEK ", "MEHMET ARDA ÖZDEN", "ONUR ÖCAL ", "RİYAD GÖRKEM KURAN", "MUSTAFA SEMİH DOĞAN", "AYBÜKE ORTAÇ ", "ABDURRAHMAN HASTUÇ", "ERDAL ÖREN ", "OKAN ALAK ", "SELÇUK YILDIRIM ", "SEYFETTİN CENGİZ ", "HAKAN KALKAN ", "BURAK TEMİZ ", "İLKER OKAN YILMAZ ", "UTKU TUTAR ", "ŞENER AKSU ", "AYDIN ELBİRLİK ", "HARUN NARİN ", "MEHMET TOZLU ", "BAKHROM ZHUMAEV ", "MERT BÜYÜKKÖPRÜ ", "İBRAHİM USLUER ", "SERAY ŞEN ", "YUNUS "HAYDAR MURAT "FARUK "MURAT "ERDİ "YİĞİT ŞİAR "HAKAN ÖNDER "FARUK "EMRE "İSMET "FATİH "TOLGA "TUĞBA "ÇAĞRI ALİM SEYİT "MÜMİN ATAKAN "NİHAT "EMRE "ERDEM "GÖKSEL "SERCAN "AHMET HİLMİ "ORHUN ESAT "FIRAT "MERTCAN "ARDA "KAZİM "SEFA "ENDER "ANIL "TANJU "ÖMER KEMAL "ONUR "ONUR "MURAT CAN "ŞEREF "MERVE "OYTUN OZAN "EZGİ "HATİCE EBRU "SERHAT "NEDİM "OĞULCAN "EMRE "SERKAN "ARDA "ÖMER "KORAY "MUSTAFA ORHUN "AYSUN "ÖZGÜN "İSMAİL CEM "İREM "BERK "FURKAN "DOĞUKAN "CAN BERKER "YİĞİT "HASAN IŞILDAR ", SÜTŞURUP", TUNA ", URAL ", GÖKALP ", BAŞOL ", ÇOLAK", YILMAZ ", ŞİMŞEK ", ÖZCAN ", TOPLAR ", ALTINOLUK ", BİLGİLİ ", METİN", ÖZTAŞ ", KURT ", GÜRSOY ", SARICA ", KÖSE ", KAYNAK PAKSOY", ŞAFAK ", TOKUL ", MUT ", TUNA ", ORAN ", EKER ", YILDIRIM ", YILDIZ ", AKYÜZ ", ÇELİK ", YILMAZTÜRK ", ŞEN ", TEKİN", KERECİ ", KARABEY ", KORKMAZ", AKÇA ", EVREN", SAYDAM PEHLİVAN ", IŞITMAN ", ÖZDOĞAN ", ORUN ", ÇAKIRCI ", RÜZGAR ", ARICI ", IRVANA", GÜVEN ", KÖKSAL ", YÜRÜŞEN ", AYDIN ", KARAKAŞ ", KADAKAL DENİZ ", ÖZDEM ", BÜYÜKBOYACI ", OĞUROL ", ", ", ", "FATİH "OLGAY "AHMET "ERKAN "MIRAM "ARTUN "ERİNÇ "SİNAN "İSMAİL "NAİM "ÖZGÜR "SELÇUK "NEBİ KAYA ÇAKIR ", ", PEHLİVANOĞULLARI", ARSLAN ", BAISSEYEV ", TÜTEN ", BAYTEKİN ", ÇİFTÇİ ", YILMAZ ", ERGİN ", OCAK ", ŞEKERCİ SUDAY " ", }; NavigableSet <String>nSet = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<String>(); for(int i=0;i<student_name.length;i++) {nSet.add(student_name[i]);} } } HW6.3) Intersection and Union of two sets are defined in class setA listed in setTest.java. Add another method difference to get the difference of intersection and union as another method in setA, test the method.