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Bulbul Presentation 2019-05-10

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Institute of International Education for Study and Research
Hazim Bulbul, Olga Verzhanska, Oleksii Dimitrov
Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition with frequent cough,
difficulty in breathing, feeling tired and wheezing.
Asthma affects approximately 300 million people around the world.
In children, males have a higher asthma risk; in adults, females have
a higher prevalence.
The main causes of asthma are environmental factors, genetic
factors, allergy, humidity and smoking.
Asthma can affect the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.Edema,
excessive mucus, and epithelial and muscle damage can lead to
bronchoconstriction with bronchospasm.
The drugs which are used at asthma treatment are divided into two
types: controller drugs and relaxing drugs. They can be applied by
inhalation, oral use and parenteral injection.
Inhaled therapy rightsizes the transfer of the drugs to action
radius as opposed to systemic administration of the medicine.
Inhaler stereoids, leukotriene antagonists, theophylline, tiotropium
and Anti-IgE are mainly used at asthma treatment.
Metered dose inhalers, accuhalers, turbuhalers and autohalers are
main types of inhalers.
Smart inhalers have special device which records the date and time
of each dose and whether it was correctly administered.
Using less reliever medicine, better asthma control, improved
quality of life, increased patient involvement and motivation for
treating, and more informed decision-making for clinicians are some
benefits of smart inhalers.
It was shown that integration between technology and
medical devices makes patients’ lives easier. Devices for
asthma treatment are rapidly developing, and will
continue to develop, with new features assisting their
introduction into everyday treatment for asthma patients.