iSC GmbH Customer Service Eschenstraße 6 94405 Landau/Isar KCBH 1500-1 (CH) Rotary Hammer Telephone: Email: +49 9951 959 3019 [email protected] Article number: 4258422 Identify number: 11010 Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 001 425842201001 00000 front cover 907 425842201907 00010 connecting rod cpl. 002 425842201002 00000 clip ring f18x2 908 425842201908 00010 cylinder cpl. 003 425842201003 00000 steel ball support O.P. 425842201117 00000 chisel set 3pcs 004 425842201004 00000 spring O.P. 425842201118 00000 point chisel 250mm 005 425842201005 00000 head cover O.P. 425842201119 00000 flat chisel 250mm 006 425842201006 00000 oil Seal 35x51x6 O.P. 425842201120 00000 drill grease 007 425842201007 00000 washer 45x54.7x1 O.P. 425842201121 00000 chuck key assy. 018 425842201018 00000 steel ball f7.938 O.P. 425842201122 00000 dust cover 031 425842201031 00000 gear box O.P. 425842201123 00000 BMC 032 425842201032 00000 cross self-tapping screw 033 425842201033 00000 cover 034 425842201034 00000 oil seal cover 035 425842201035 00000 O-ring 37x1.8 038 425842201038 00000 right gear box cover 039 425842201039 00000 rubber bush 040 425842201040 00000 spring 041 425842201041 00000 washer 042 425842201042 00000 screw 046 425842201046 00000 spring 047 425842201047 00000 gear I 048 425842201048 00000 top hammer f8x19.4 051 425842201051 00000 bearing 6001-2RS/Z2 052 425842201052 00000 seal gasket 053 425842201053 00000 rubber stick f4x12 054 425842201054 00000 steel ball f4 055 425842201055 00000 3-function switch 057 425842201057 00000 rotor 058 425842201058 00000 wind guard 059 425842201059 00000 stator 060 425842201060 00000 bearing 608-2Z/Z2 061 425842201061 00000 bearing cover 064 425842201064 00000 cross tapping screw M5x12 066 425842201066 00000 2-function knob shaft 067 425842201067 00000 spring washer 4 068 425842201068 00000 cross tapping screw M4x10 069 425842201069 00000 left gear box cover 070 425842201070 00000 spring washer 5 071 425842201071 00000 hex screw M5x22 072 425842201072 00000 cross self-tapping screw 087 425842201087 00000 cross self-tapping screw 088 425842201088 00000 right handle cover 089 425842201089 00000 cross self-tapping screw 090 425842201090 00000 connecting seat 093 425842201093 00000 carbon brush (pair) 094 425842201094 00000 housing 095 425842201095 00000 inductance 3in1 096 425842201096 00000 rear cover 097 425842201097 00000 power cord 3m 098 425842201098 00000 cable sheath 099 425842201099 00000 cable clip plate 100 425842201100 00000 name plate 101 425842201101 00000 left handle cover 102 425842201102 00000 capacitor 0.33µF 103 425842201103 00000 dust-proof switch 111 425842201111 00000 O-ring 11x2 112 425842201112 00000 speed adjustor 113 425842201113 00000 flat washer 5 114 425842201114 00000 flat washer 4 901 425842201901 00010 carbon brush holder cpl. 902 425842201902 00010 assisant handle assy. 903 425842201903 00010 knob cpl. 904 425842201904 00010 middle cover cpl. 905 425842201905 00010 gear shaft with gear cpl. 906 425842201906 00010 eccentric spindle cpl. Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf carbon brush holder cpl. Article number: 425842201901 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 091 425842201091 00000 carbon brush holder 092 425842201092 00000 carbon brush sticker Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf assisant handle assy. Article number: 425842201902 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 104 425842201104 00000 assistant handle 105 425842201105 00000 bracket 106 425842201106 00000 screw 107 425842201107 00000 hoop strip 108 425842201108 00000 T-screw 109 425842201109 00000 nut M6 110 425842201110 00000 depth gauge Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf knob cpl. Article number: 425842201903 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 062 425842201062 00000 button 063 425842201063 00000 spring 065 425842201065 00000 2-function knob Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf middle cover cpl. Article number: 425842201904 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 049 425842201049 00000 bear cover 050 425842201050 00000 needle bearing HK1210 056 425842201056 00000 middle cover Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf gear shaft with gear cpl. Article number: 425842201905 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 073 425842201073 00000 pinion 074 425842201074 00000 pinion space ring 075 425842201075 00000 bearing 160002/3p 076 425842201076 00000 bearing washer 077 425842201077 00000 gear II 078 425842201078 00000 fixing plate 079 425842201079 00000 clip ring 12.5x1.2 080 425842201080 00000 stell ball f5 081 425842201081 00000 moveable plate 082 425842201082 00000 inner spring 083 425842201083 00000 outer spring 084 425842201084 00000 spring seat 085 425842201085 00000 clip ring 8.8x1 086 425842201086 00000 bearing 627-2Z Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf eccentric spindle cpl. Article number: 425842201906 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 036 425842201036 00000 eccentric spindle 037 425842201037 00000 wood-raff key 043 425842201043 00000 bearing 6003 044 425842201044 00000 clip ring 045 425842201045 00000 spring Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf connecting rod cpl. Article number: 425842201907 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 029 425842201029 00000 shaft 030 425842201030 00000 oil bearing 8x12x10 Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf cylinder cpl. Article number: 425842201908 Identify number: 00010 Spare parts Pos Art. Identify number Product Name 008 425842201008 00000 clip ring f35 009 425842201009 00000 bearing 61907 010 425842201010 00000 rubber space 47x55x7 011 425842201011 00000 space bush 012 425842201012 00000 O-ring 53.5x2 013 425842201013 00000 steel ball f7.14 014 425842201014 00000 force plug sheath 015 425842201015 00000 O-ring 19.8x2 016 425842201016 00000 impact hammer 017 425842201017 00000 O-ring 11x2 019 425842201019 00000 cylinder 020 425842201020 00000 key A3x3x18 021 425842201021 00000 spring 022 425842201022 00000 air hammer 023 425842201023 00000 O-ring 18x3.05 024 425842201024 00000 pin f6×23 025 425842201025 00000 piston 026 425842201026 00000 Gear S10:35 027 425842201027 00000 clip ring f26.7x1.6 028 425842201028 00000 oil bearing 30x47x10 115 425842201115 00000 clutch 116 425842201116 00000 clutch spring Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf