Journal of Applied Ichthyology J. Appl. Ichthyol. (2015), 1–10 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH ISSN 0175–8659 Received: May 27, 2014 Accepted: April 17, 2015 doi: 10.1111/jai.12860 Using otolith shape and morphometry to identify four Alburnus species (A. chalcoides, A. escherichii, A. mossulensis and A. tarichi) in Turkish inland waters By D. Bostanci1, N. Polat2, G. Kurucu1, S. Yedier1, S. Kontasß1 and M. Darcßin1 1 Department of Biology, Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey; 2Department of Biology, Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey Summary Asteriscus otolith shapes as well as their morphometry and shape contours were investigated in order to identify four allopatric Alburnus species: A. chalcoides (G€ uldenst€ adt, 1772) (Ordu), A. escherichii Steindachner, 1897 (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis Heckel, 1843 (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (G€ uldenst€adt, 1814) (Van) in Turkish inland waters. These were compared using the shape indices (form factor, roundness, circularity, ellipticity, rectangularity and aspect ratio), and the morphological characters [otolith weight (OWE), otolith length (OL), otolith width (OW), otolith perimeter (OP), and otolith area (OA)]. The overall canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) classification score was 93.8%, with the lowest score for A. escherichii (82.5%) and the highest for A. chalcoides (100%). The otolith shapes, morphology and shape contours of all sampled fish were a clear species differentiator, thereby demonstrating that the otolith shape is species-specific. The current study presents for the first time comprehensive variation information on interspecific leftright asteriscus otoliths in males and females of each Alburnus species: A. chalcoides from Ordu, A. escherichii from Eskisßehir, A. mossulensis from Tunceli and A. tarichi from Van, based on a total of 307 individuals. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, shape contours and other otolith characters vary within the same genus; these differences should be investigated not only in other freshwater fish species or genera but also in the same species living in different habitats. In addition, further investigation is required not only with respect to the morphometry, biometry, shape, geometry, and shape contours of the otoliths, but also regarding the genetic methods for robust identification of various sympatric and allopatric fish populations. Introduction In predictive linear regressions, the morphometric otolith parameters such as length, width, thickness, and weight are used to estimate fish size. Numerous factors such as water temperature, diet (Torres et al., 2000; Gauldie and Crampton, 2002; Volpedo and Fuchs, 2010), type of substrate and water depth can affect fish growth, otolith size and shape (Lombarte et al., 2003; Cardinale et al., 2004; Monteiro et al., 2005). Consequently, morphometric measurements and otolith morphology can differ among populations of the same species in different locations (Reichenbacher et al., 2009). Individuals of the same species and even of the same sex as well as their phylogenetic patterns can be reflected in their morphology (Lombarte and Cruz, 2007). Studies of otolith morphology have recently increased in importance with the development of image analysis systems using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Thus, otolith morphology is a most crucial criteria in fisheries, whereby a number of identification guides, atlases and fisheries studies on otolith morphology have been published for a variety of species (Smale et al., 1995; Tuset et al., 2008). Some studies concern the identification of species, stocks and populations as well as their relationships, and are dependent on the otolith shape and morphometry analyses (Bird et al., 1986; Campana and Casselman, 1993; Begg and Brown, 2000; De Vries et al., 2002; Tuset et al., 2003; Cardinale et al., 2004; Poulet et al., 2004; Kumar et al., 2012; Radhakrishnan et al., 2012; Vignon, 2012; Bani et al., 2013; Basusta et al., 2013; Mohadasi et al., 2014; Yilmaz et al., 2014; Ye et al., 2015). Otolith shape measurements are considered to be an index for specific discrimination, stock analysis, and even in testing the function and ecological significance of shape differences in the studies of otolith morphology (Aguirre and Lombarte, 1999; Cardinale et al., 2004). Fourier decompositions of the otolith or sulcus outlines were used in most studies of otolith morphology on shape variables (Torres et al., 2000; De Vries et al., 2002; Gauldie and Crampton, 2002; Cardinale et al., 2004). Alburnus, a genus known as bleaks in the family of Cyprinidae (Buj et al., 2010), is represented by 42 species worldwide (Froese and Pauly, 2014). The systematic and actual distribution of the Alburnus species is still not well understood (Buj et al., 2010). The asteriscus otolith shape, morphology and shape contours of four Alburnus species: Danube bleak, A. chalcoides (G€ uldenst€ adt, 1772); Anatolian bleak, A. escherichii Steindachner, 1897; Mosul bleak, A. mossulensis Heckel, 1843; and Tarek, A. tarichi (G€ uldenst€ adt, 1814) were investigated in the current study. Despite the increase in otolith morphology studies throughout the world, the otolith morphology of salt and freshwater fish species’ and their shapes and relationships with other variables remains largely unknown or is limited in 2 D. Bostanci et al. Fig. 1. Map of Turkey with sampling locations; I- Ordu (A. chalcoides), IIEskisßehir (A. escherichii), III- Tunceli (A. mossulensis), and IV Van (A. tarichi). Table 1 Sampling locations with water parameters, sample size, sampling date, weight and total length ranges of each Alburnus species Species A. chalcoides A. escherichii A. mossulensis A. tarichi Common name Location Capture date Latitude Longitude Temp (°C) pH DO mg/L n Weight range (g) TL range (cm) Danube bleak Curi Stream (Ordu) May 2013 41° 080 3600 37° 130 4100 17.50 7.62 5.25 26 13.8–52.4 11.8–17.8 Anatolian bleak Seydi Suyu Stream (Eskisehir) July 2013 39° 240 0000 31° 120 0000 18.65 8.1 9.45 46 2.4–25.7 7–13.7 Mosul bleak Munzur River (Tunceli) Oct-May 2013 39° 060 0500 39° 330 1400 8.32 8.27 10.21 130 10.98–82.72 11.3–21 Tarek Lake Van (Van) Jan 2014 38° 380 2800 42° 480 4500 5.77 9.36 9.46 105 44.8–112.2 17.8–23.5 Temp, Temperature; DO, Dissolved oxygen; TL, Total length. Alburnus species (Buj et al., 2010). The objectives of the present study were therefore to: (i) evaluate the importance of the asteriscus otolith shape in identifying the four Alburnus species: A. chalcoides, A. escherichii, A. mossulensis and A. tarichi; (ii) analyze the right and left pairs of the asteriscus shape and morphology in males and females in the four Alburnus species. This is one of the first otolith morphology studies to use right and left asteriscus pairs of males and females for the four Alburnus species in Turkey. Materials and methods All Alburnus chalcoides (from Ordu), A. escherichii (from Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (from Tunceli), and A. tarichi (from Van) were obtained from commercial anglers and transported to the Hydrobiology Laboratory, Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey for further analyses. Total length (TL) of each of fish was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm, and weight (W) was recorded to the nearest the 0.1 g. The asteriscus otolith pairs were removed, cleaned and the asteriscus weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g, then stored dry for further examination. Sampling locations of the four Alburnus species (Fig. 1) with the water parameters are shown in Table 1. A t-test was applied in order to determine differences between males and females otoliths. In addition, right and left asteriscus otoliths were compared; any variables in pairs of asteriscus were investigated with a paired t-test for all individuals. A MINITAB 14.0 statistical analysis program was used for calculations. Based on the TL ranges of the four Alburnus species, the asteriscus otolith was arbitrarily divided into four categories: I (7.0–11.0 cm TL), II (11.1– 15.0 cm TL), III (15.1–19.0 cm TL), and IV (19.1–23.5 cm TL). Each asteriscus otolith pair was photographed; to assess shape factors, the otolith images were analyzed with Leica Application Suit (Version 3.7.0) software. The otolith length (OL, mm), otolith width (OW, mm), otolith area (A, mm2), and otolith perimeter (P, mm) were measured using the Leica S8APO microscope and computer-connected camera system. These measurements allowed the calculation of six shape indices: form factor (FF), roundness (RD), aspect ratio (AR), circularity (C), rectangularity (R), and ellipticity (E) (Tuset et al., 2003; Ponton, 2006). These shape indices were calculated for the right and left asteriscus otoliths of both males and females of each Alburnus species. Moreover, realtionships between shape indices and asteriscus otolith length of each Alburnus species are shown graphically (Table 2). Using otolith shape and morphometry to identify four Alburnus species The SHAPE (Version 1.3) software program package was used to extract the contour shape of the otoliths based on the elliptic Fourier descriptors (Iwata and Ukai, 2002). The SPSS 21.0 statistical analysis program was used for calculations; canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) was then performed to detect morphometric differences in the asteriscus otoliths of A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van). In addition, the Wilks k assessed the performance of the discriminant analyses. Interspecific variance, total variance and their percentage of agreement between real and predicted groups membership were calculated for each Alburnus species. SEM Table 2 Formulae for shape indices Shape indices Formula Form factor Roundness Aspect ratio Ellipticity Circularity Rectangularity 4 p A P2 4 A (p OL2)1 OL OW1 (OL OW) (OL + OW)1 P2 A1 A (OL OW)1 Otolith: A, Area; P, perimeter; OL, length; OW, width. 3 was used to record the morphological characteristics of the asteriscus otolith of each Alburnus species. For scanning, the asteriscus otoliths were attached to a stub using double-sided carbon tape. The immobilized otoliths on the stub were coated with 13.5 nm gold. The right and left asteriscus were analyzed using SEM (JMS-6060LV microscope) at 5.0 KV. Results The asteriscus of A. chalcoides (n = 26; 76.9% females, 19.2% males), A. escherichii (n = 46; 41.3% females, 34.7% males), A. mossulensis (n = 130; 61.5% females, 38.5% males), and A. tarichi (n = 105; 22.9% females, 77.1% males) were evaluated. Table 3 shows a summary of descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, standard error, minimum and maximum) and paired-t test results. Interpretations of the left and right asteriscus otolith pairs were not statically different (P > 0.05) in terms of otolith weight and perimeter for each Alburnus species (Table 3). Left and right asteriscus otolith pairs were not statically different (P > 0.05) in terms of otolith width and area for A. chalcoides, A. mossulensis and A. escherichii, however, they were statically different for A. tarichi (P < 0.01, P < 0.001, respectively) (Table 3). For the otolith length, the left and right otolith pairs were statically different for A. escherichii Table 3 Summary of descriptive statistics and paired t-test results for left and right asteriscus otoliths of A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van) Mean Otolith variables A. chalcoides Weight P > 0.05 Length P > 0.05 Width P > 0.05 Area P > 0.05 Perimeter P > 0.05 A. escherichii Weight P > 0.05 Length P < 0.05 0.028* Width P > 0.05 Area P > 0.05 Perimeter P > 0.05 A. mossulensis Weight P > 0.05 Length P > 0.05 Width P > 0.05 Area P > 0.05 Perimeter P > 0.05 A. tarichi Weight P > 0.05 Length P > 0.05 Width P < 0.01 0.008** Area P < 0.001 0.001*** Perimeter P > 0.05 SE SD Min. Max. L R L R L R L R 0.0017 2.33 2.08 3.18 7.39 0.0018 2.32 2.06 3.17 7.48 0.00009 0.0521 0.0389 0.105 0.185 0.00010 0.0573 0.0396 0.117 0.204 0.00047 0.2603 0.1943 0.525 0.927 0.00051 0.2866 0.1981 0.584 1.018 0.0006 1.826 1.684 2.239 5.691 0.0009 1.841 1.684 2.181 5.677 0.0027 2.882 2.397 4.355 9.033 0.003 3.010 2.368 4.507 9.657 0.0011 1.65 0.0011 1.62 0.00005 0.0327 0.00005 0.0310 0.00037 0.2146 0.00037 0.2083 0.0005 1.119 0.0004 1.096 0.0019 2.089 0.002 2.123 1.79 2.17 5.94 1.80 2.16 5.91 0.0371 0.0763 0.122 0.0345 0.0739 0.114 0.2434 0.5001 0.800 0.2312 0.4955 0.767 1.130 0.949 3.753 1.141 0.918 3.788 2.238 2.953 7.370 2.226 3.016 7.118 0.0018 2.23 2.03 3.17 7.08 0.0018 2.24 2.04 3.18 7.09 0.00005 0.0227 0.0193 0.0593 0.0807 0.00005 0.0231 0.0192 0.0591 0.0791 0.00058 0.2462 0.2093 0.6446 0.8769 0.00056 0.2502 0.2072 0.6392 0.8560 0.0005 1.693 1.623 2.019 5.395 0.0007 1.712 1.578 2.054 5.440 0.0043 3.228 2.711 5.492 10.360 0.0041 3.112 2.711 5.538 10.791 0.0029 2.60 2.45 0.0029 2.61 2.38 0.00008 0.0219 0.0216 0.00008 0.0201 0.0208 0.00085 0.2222 0.2188 0.00083 0.2028 0.2104 0.0015 1.597 1.926 0.0018 2.169 1.926 0.0057 3.196 3.068 0.0057 3.239 2.939 4.49 4.38 0.0693 0.0720 0.7037 0.7268 3.240 2.543 6.663 6.655 9.01 8.97 0.0816 0.0828 0.8280 0.8364 7.347 7.431 11.777 11.533 R, Right asteriscus; L, Left asteriscus, SE, Standard error; SD, Standard deviation, Min., Minimum; Max., Maximum. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. L R 4 D. Bostanci et al. P values Species Sex Alburnus chalcoides ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ R L Alburnus escherichii R L Alburnus mossulensis R L Alburnus tarichi R L Mean weight asteriscus 0.0018 0.0015 0.0018 0.0013 0.0012 0.0010 0.0012 0.0011 0.0019 0.0017 0.0019 0.0016 0.0036 0.0027 0.0035 0.0027 Weight Length Width Area Perimeter * 0.412 0.572 0.041 0.173 0.182 0.218 0.334 0.036* 0.063 0.087 0.069 0.425 0.328 0.271 0.364 0.442 0.480 0.701 0.410 0.561 0.043 0.134 0.100 0.115 0.138 0.010** 0.260 0.016* 0.031* 0.123 * *** *** * *** 0.001 0.000 0.032 0.000 0.020* 0.001*** 0.000*** 0.010** 0.000*** 0.001*** Table 4 Statistical comparisons for left and right asteriscus otoliths of male and female A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van) R, Right asteriscus; L, left asteriscus. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. Shape indices Species and TL ranges TL Categories FF RD AR E C R A. chalcoides (11.8– 17.8 cm) A. escherichii (7– 13.7 cm) A. mossulensis (11.3 –21 cm) II III I II II III IV III IV 0.77390 0.74710 0.77801 0.75506 0.80946 0.77462 0.71180 0.69800 0.69579 0.77340 0.74350 0.98330 1.01040 0.81748 0.79727 0.74590 0.81960 0.8604 1.0940 1.1414 0.9467 0.9130 1.0914 1.1017 1.1427 1.0870 1.0739 0.04410 0.06400 0.24890 0.04688 0.04335 0.04765 0.06610 0.04056 0.03369 16.302 18.356 16.177 16.686 15.568 16.253 17.782 18.074 18.246 0.66154 0.66041 0.72763 0.72010 0.69958 0.68725 0.6668 0.69601 0.71584 A. tarichi (17.8– 23.5 cm) Table 5 Shape indices values of asteriscus otoliths of total size classes for Alburnus species; A chalcoides (Ordu), A escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van) FF, Form factor; RD, roundness; AR, aspect ratio; E, ellipticity; C, circularity; R, rectangularity, and TL, total length. (P < 0.05) but not (P > 0.05) for A. chalcoides A. mossulensis or A. tarichi (Table 3). Differences between right and left otoliths were tested using a paired t-test; right asteriscus otoliths for A. chalcoides and A. mossulensis, and left asteriscus otoliths for A. escherichii and A. tarichi were preferred and used for further calculations. Statistical comparisons of otolith variables for left and right asteriscus otoliths of male and female A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van) are summarized in Table 4. Interpretations of these results are statistically different for male and female A. tarichi while not statically different for male and female A. escherichii (Table 4). In addition, the differences in right and left otolith variables and the differences for male and female A. chalcoides and A. mossulensis (Table 4). Asteriscus otolith shape indices per size category and total length (TL) ranges of each Alburnus species are shown in Table 5. Ellipticity increases with the increase in TL of A. mossulensis, and becomes more elliptic (Table 5). However, ellipticity decreases with an increase in TL of A. tarichi, and becomes less elliptic (Table 5). Circularity increases with an increase in TL of each Alburnus species and becomes more circular (Table 5). Form factor decreases with the TL increase in each Alburnus species (Table 5). A third category includes three Alburnus species: A. chalcoides, A. tarichi and A. mossulensis; the first category contains only A. escherichii because of their small size. The second category contains the three other Alburnus species; a fourth category is A. tarichi and A. mossulensis. Table 6 gives summaries of descriptive statistics of shape indices for left asteriscus otoliths of A. escherichii (Eskisßehir) and A. tarichi (Van), and for right asteriscus otoliths of A. chalcoides (Ordu) and A. mossulensis (Tunceli). Indices such as FF, AR, RD, R, C and E values are associated with asteriscus length (Fig. 2). According to these data, the relationship between otolith length and AR, C, E was determined as a linear relationship, despite the relationship between otolith length and FF, RD, R being determined as a nonlinear relationship (Fig. 2). The discriminant function included all basic otolith morphometric characteristics: otolith weight (OWE), otolith length (OL), otolith width (OW), otolith perimeter (OP), and otolith area (OA) to explain the interspecific variability. Three and two canonical varieties were derived for differentiation of these Alburnus species; discrimination among them Using otolith shape and morphometry to identify four Alburnus species Table 6 Summary of descriptive statistics of shape indices for left asteriscus otoliths of A. escherichii (Eskisßehir) and A. tarichi (Van), and for right asteriscus otoliths of A. chalcoides (Ordu) and A. mossulensis (Tunceli) 5 Species Shape indices Mean SE SD Min. Max. n Alburnus chalcoides right asteriscus Form factor Roundness Aspect ratio Ellipticity Circularity Rectangularity Form factor Roundness Aspect ratio Ellipticity Circularity Rectangularity Form factor Roundness Aspect ratio Ellipticity Circularity Rectangularity Form factor Roundness Aspect ratio Ellipticity Circularity Rectangularity 0.7168 0.7530 1.1262 0.05760 17.699 0.66077 0.76602 0.9990 0.9283 0.03864 16.448 0.72344 0.79218 0.80682 1.0975 0.04594 15.920 0.69354 0.69629 0.8513 1.0768 0.03522 18.208 0.71142 0.0147 0.0145 0.0192 0.00811 0.360 0.00468 0.00653 0.0142 0.0113 0.00592 0.144 0.00500 0.00461 0.00434 0.00458 0.00207 0.0972 0.00206 0.00636 0.0163 0.00848 0.00425 0.185 0.00595 0.0735 0.0725 0.0961 0.04053 1.799 0.02341 0.04281 0.0929 0.0739 0.03879 0.941 0.03278 0.04992 0.04697 0.0496 0.02238 1.051 0.02230 0.06455 0.1652 0.0860 0.04316 1.876 0.06042 0.5936 0.5564 1.0062 0.00308 14.488 0.60201 0.65595 0.7937 0.7836 0.12132 14.592 0.65253 0.59734 0.65850 1.0031 0.00154 13.688 0.62714 0.44617 0.6691 0.6508 0.21155 15.199 0.63682 0.8669 0.8501 1.4354 0.17877 21.159 0.71582 0.86074 1.1878 1.1366 0.06392 19.148 0.78504 0.91762 0.93161 1.2360 0.10556 21.027 0.76031 0.82637 2.3496 1.3840 0.16107 28.151 1.20029 26 26 26 26 26 26 46 46 46 46 46 46 130 130 130 130 130 130 105 105 105 105 105 105 Alburnus escherichii left asteriscus Alburnus mossulensis right asteriscus Alburnus tarichi left asteriscus SE, Standard error; SD, standard deviation. was high. The canonical discriminant analysis revealed that 93.8% of the fish were correctly classified. The two discriminant functions were significant (P < 0.05), with Wilks k being 0.022 for function 1 and 0.146 for function 2. The first discriminant function of the CDA explains 56.7% of the variability and the second function of the CDA explains 39.1% of the variability for the four Alburnus species, which are correctly differentiated in this analysis (Fig. 3). Jack-knifed cross-validation classification scores for predicted group membership of each Alburnus species are listed in Table 7. The overall classification score of the discriminant analysis was 93.8%, with the lowest score obtained for A. escherichii (82.5%) and the highest for A. chalcoides (100%). Classification scores were 97.8 and 93.1% for A. tarichi and A. mossulensis, respectively (Table 7). A. chalcoides is well separated from A. escherichii, A. tarichi and A. mossulensis on the first discriminant function, while A. escherichii, A. tarichi and A. mossulensis are mainly separated along the second discriminant function. SEM images of proximal-left and distal-right asteriscus otolith surfaces of each Alburnus species were prepared for comparative investigation of the morphology (Fig. 4). This is the first time that SEM images were used to determine asteriscus shape diversity among the four Alburnus species (Table 8). The shape contours of proximal-left and distalright asteriscus otoliths of each Alburnus species are clearly shown in Fig. 5. The asteriscus shapes of A. chalcoides and A. mossulensis are discoidal, whereas A. escherichii and A. tarichi are ovoid. The dorsal margin, otolith width and depth are also considerably different for the four Alburnus species. For instance, the asteriscus of A. mossulensis have a crenated dorsal mar- gin, whereas the dorsal margin of A. chalcoides is serrated with a more or less regular margin. However, the mesial and lateral surfaces of the asteriscus are not different. Discussion The current study results suggest that differences in asteriscus otolith measurements and shape indices are detectable in A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van). Otolith properties are useful tools to identify their interspecific relationships. The uses of their morphological and morphometric characterization have been shown to be important to discriminate fish species (Lombarte et al., 1991; Smale et al., 1995), and the otoliths have a high morphological specificity for species (Aurioles, 1991; Martınez et al., 2007). The current study must be verified to support this information. The otolith weight is most sensitive to variations in the growth rate and is a powerful discriminator (Reznick et al., 1989; Pawson, 1990; Foresberg _ and Neal, 1993; Tuset et al., 2006; Ilkyaz et al., 2010; Zorica et al., 2010; Amouei et al., 2014); however, it is not a powerful discriminator in identifying the four Alburnus species. Moreover, asteriscus measurements and shape indices are compromised by the high variability in otolith shape and morphometry. Considering the findings of this study, it is evident that the asteriscus shape and morphometry are useful for the encouragement of further research on verifying the role of the otolith in identification, discriminating and taxonomy of fish. The results of this study show that the shape indices significantly differed in analysis from species to species, although they indicate a similar pattern of otoliths (Table 4). These results correlate with Tuset et al. (2008) that 6 D. Bostanci et al. (a) (d) (b) (e) (c) (f) Fig. 2. Shape indices: (a) Circularity, (b) Roundness, (c) Form factor, (e) Aspect ratio, (d) Ellipticity, and (f) Rectangularity vs Asteriscus otolith length of four Alburnus species: A. chalcoides, A. escherichii, A. mossulensis and A. tarichi (2013–2014). Fig. 3. Scatter plot showing scores for canonical discriminant analysis from four Alburnus species: A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van) for pooled year classes (2013–2014). the otoliths are the most widely used for discrimination of fish species because of their form, weight, growth, consistency and chemical composition. The overall classification of the discriminant analysis was 93.8%, with the lowest score obtained for A. escherichii (82.5%) and the highest for A. chalcoides (100%), and 97.8 and 93.1% for A. tarichi and A. mossulensis, respectively. Interpretation of the overall classification was 93.8% for the four Alburnus species; this is a high rate within the same genus using the morphometric character of asteriscus. A. chalcoides is well separated (100%) from A. escherichii, A. tarichi and A. mossulensis (Table 7). Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) was very useful to determine differentiation for each Alburnus species: A. chalcoides (100%), A. tarichi (97.8%), A. mossulensis (93.1%), and A. escherichii (82.5%). CDA analysis was used in most studies such as in analysis of species and population differentiations (Lord et al., 2012; Skeljo and Ferri, 2012), and is one of the multivariate statistical analyses in evolutionary biology and systematics (Campbell and Atchley, 1981). According to the Parmentier et al. (2001) study, the otolith shape may be similar in fish inhabiting the same ecological pattern, but may change in a different habitat. Thus, the ecological patterns and water parameters may affect the rates of these four Alburnus species directly or indirectly. For instance, 97.8% separated A. tarichi as an endemic fish species living in Lake Van with saline soda lake water, while A. escherichii (82.5%), A. mossulensis (93.1%) and A. chalcoides (100%) live in freshwater. Moreover, the three Alburnus species (A. chalcoides, A. escherichii and A. mossulensis) have a lotic water habitat, Using otolith shape and morphometry to identify four Alburnus species Table 7 Jack-knifed cross-validation classification matrices for predicted group membership of each Alburnus species: A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van) 7 Predicted Group Membership (%) Species A. chalcoides A. chalcoides A. escherichii A. mossulensis A. tarichi Total 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 82.5 17.5 0.0 2.6 93.1 0.0 0.0 2.2 93.8% of originally grouped cases correctly classified A. escherichii A. mossulensis A. tarichi 0.0 0.0 4.3 97.8 (a) (c) (b) (d) Fig. 4. SEM images of proximal-left and distal-right asteriscus otolith surfaces from each Alburnus species: (a) A. chalcoides (Ordu), (b) A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), (c) A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and (d) A. tarichi (Van). Table 8 Asteriscus otolith characteristics of A. chalcoides (Ordu), A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and A. tarichi (Van) Otolith characteristics Otolith shape Otolith width Mesial surface Lateral surface Dorsal margin Depth while A. tarichi has lentic water habitat. Another interesting result regarding the location of the three Alburnus species [A. escherichii from Eskisßehir (82.5%), A. mossulensis from Tunceli (93.1%) and A. chalcoides from Ordu (100%)] is that they have a lotic habitat with freshwater, but their locations are in different regions (Fig. 1). The 100% separated A. chalcoides live in the Curi Stream (Ordu), close to the Black Sea. A. escherichii (82.5%) from the Seydi Suyu Stream (Eskisßehir), and A. mossulensis (93.1%) from the Munzur River (Tunceli) are not close to the sea (Fig. 1), and therefore their discriminations are different (Tables 7 and 8). The current study was also planned to compare otolith shape using the SEM images among the four Alburnus spe- A. chalcoides A. escherichii A. mossulensis A. tarichi Discoidal Moderately thin Convex Convex Serrate Shallow Oval Moderate Discoidal Moderately thin Convex Convex Crenate Shallow Oval Moderately thin Convex Convex Serrate Shallow Convex Convex Rounded Moderately shallow cies in order to observe a variation in otolith shape for these different species of same genus. Asteriscus otolith characteristics of the four species are well detailed using their SEM images (Table 8); proximal-left and distal-right surface asteriscus differences are shown in Fig. 4. The shape contours of proximal-left and distal-right asteriscus otoliths are also powerful for identification of these four Alburnus species. Use of the otolith shape, morphometry, and shape contours shows their importance. CDA using otolith shape, morphometry and biometry can be a useful method for differentiating stocks, populations, and interspecific and intraspecific variations (Stransky et al., 2008; Neves et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2014; 2015), rather than using 8 D. Bostanci et al. (a) (b) In conclusion, results of the SEM images show that otolith characters and shape contours vary within the same genus and can change from species to species; this difference should be investigated not only in other freshwater fish species or genera but also in the same species living in different habitats. Additional studies are needed, such as precise and essential measurements of environmental factors and their combination on the population connectivity using genetics in the different streams, rivers, lakes, etc. Further investigation is needed, including a comparative study not only of morphometry, biometry, shape, geometry, and shape contours of the otoliths, but also of genetic methods for powerful identification of various sympatric and allopatric fish populations. Acknowledgements (c) For providing the Alburnus species we greatly appreciate Dr. € ur Emiro Ozg€ glu (A. escherichii), Resul Iskender (A. chalcoides), Elif Bekdemir G€ ultepe (A. tarichi) and H€ ulya Alan (A. mossulensis). References (d) Fig. 5. Contour shapes of proximal-left and distal-right asteriscus otoliths of four Alburnus species: (a) A. chalcoides (Ordu), (b) A. escherichii (Eskisßehir), (c) A. mossulensis (Tunceli), and (d) A. tarichi (Van). genetic methods (Cardinale et al., 2004; Pothin et al., 2006; Merigot et al., 2007; Shafee et al., 2013). The shape variability of otoliths is related to genetic (Tuset et al., 2003), ontogenetic, and environmental factors such as temperature, habitat, seasonal variations and diet (Campana, 2001), and ecological and biological behavior of the species (Tuset et al., 2003). Actually, otolith microchemistry, tagging, parasites, and especially genetics discrimination techniques have proved to be very accurate in stock separation and structure (Finamore et al., 2004; Tracey et al., 2006; Cheng et al., 2008; Radhakrishnan et al., 2012; Mohadasi et al., 2014). 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