Attendance Warning As of week 8, the following listed students

Attendance Warning
As of week 8, the following listed students failed the class due to lack
of attendance:
Kubra Karaca
Meliksah Simsek
Tolga Bayraktar
The following listed students will fail the course if they miss one more
Burcin Kaplan
Cansu Keser
Ibrahim Sayit
Hasan Emek Cinar
Mert Mertsoz
Muhammed Emin Savas
Hatice Sigirci
The following listed students will fail the course if they miss two more
Abdurrahman Altay
Yeliz Cati
Caner Kaynar
Baran Ozerhan
Feray Ece Topcu
Melih Vural
Ozge Yirtar
Oguz Kagan Peker