İzzet Koçak, Dr

İzzet Koçak, Dr
Eğitim Bilgileri:
Lisans : Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2001-2005
Yüksek Lisans : Selçuk Üniversitesi, Türkiye, ‘’ Removal of Boron from Waters by
Using Reverse Osmosis’’, 2006-2007.
Doktora : University of Southampton, UK, ‘’ The Modification of Carbon Electrodes for
Biosensor Applications, 2009-2013
Izzet Kocak, Timur Sanal, Baki Hazer: An electrochemical biosensor for direct detection of DNA using polystyreneg-soya oil-g-imidazole graft copolymer. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 01/2017; 21(5).,
Izzet Kocak: Characterization of the Reduction of Oxygen at Anthraquinone-Modified Glassy Carbon and HighlyOriented Pyrolytic Graphite Electrodes. Analytical Letters 09/2016;, DOI:10.1080/00032719.2016.1236126
Timur Şanal, İzzet Koçak, Baki Hazer: Synthesis of comb-type amphiphilic graft copolymers derived from
chlorinated poly(ɛ-caprolactone) via click reaction. Polymer Bulletin 07/2016;, DOI:10.1007/s00289-0161757-5
Burak Coban, Ishak Ozel Tekin, Abdurrahman Sengul, Izzet Kocak, Ufuk Yildiz, Nergis Sevinc: DNA studies of
newly synthesized heteroleptic platinum(II) complexes [Pt(bpy)(iip)]2+ and Pt(bpy)(miip)]2+. JBIC Journal
of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 11/2015; DOI:10.1007/s00775-015-1317-8.
Izzet Kocak, Burak Coban, Ufuk yildiz, Abdurrahman Sengul: DNA binding studies of complex of Pt(bpy)(pip)]2+
and [Pt(bpy)(hpip)]2+ by electrochemical methods: Development of an Electrochemical DNA biosensor.
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 07/2015; 19:2189-2197. DOI:10.1007/s10008-015-2859-y
Mohamed A. Ghanem, Izzet Kocak, Abdullah Al-Mayouf, Philip N. Bartlett: Solid phase modification of carbon
nanotubes with anthraquinone and nitrobenzene functional groups. Electrochemistry Communications
09/2013; 34:258-262. DOI:10.1016/j.elecom.2013.05.039
Izzet Kocak: A study of the modification of glassy carbon and edge and basal plane highly oriented pyrolytic
graphite electrodes modified with antharaquinone using diazonium coupling and solid phase synthesis and
their use for oxygen reduction. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 01/2013;
Mohamed A. Ghanem, Izzet Kocak, Abdullah Al-Mayouf, Mansour AlHoshan, Philip N. Bartlett: Covalent
modification of carbon nanotubes with anthraquinone by electrochemical grafting and solid phase synthesis.
Electrochimica Acta 04/2012; 68:74–80. DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2012.02.027
Yunus Cengeloglu, Gulsin Arslan, Ali Tor, Izzet Kocak, Nesim Dursun: Removal of boron from water by using
reverse osmosis. Separation and Purification Technology 12/2008; 64(2):141-146.
Erdem Ergun, Ali Tor, Yunus Cengeloglu, Izzet Kocak: Electrodialytic removal of fluoride from water: Effects of
process parameters and accompanying anions. Separation and Purification Technology 12/2008; 64(264):147-153. DOI:10.1016/j.seppur.2008.09.009
Uluslararası Bildiriler:
Izzet Kocak, ‘’ Antrakinonla Modifiye Edilmiş Çok Katmanlı Karbon Nanotüpler Kullanarak Organik Çözücülerdeki
Su Miktarının Voltametrik Tayini’’ 6. Fiziksel Kimya Kongresi, Zonguldak, Turkey. 15-18.05.2017. (Oral
Izzet Kocak, Ufuk Yildiz, Burak Coban, Abdurrahman Sengul, ‘’Interaction of Platinum Based complexes with
DNA and Development of Electrochemical DNA Biosensors’’, 3nd International Conference on New Trends
in Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland. 28 – 31. 04.2017 (Oral Presentation)
Izzet KOÇAK, Baki HAZER, "’Label Free Detection of DNA Using Polystrene-g-Soya Oil-g-Imidazole Graft
Copolymer’’", 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, Zagreb, Crotia 19 - 22.04.2016.
(Oral Presentation)
Izzet KOÇAK, "‘’The Functionalization of Highly Oriented Pyrloytic Graphite Electrodes and a DFT Study’’ ", 2nd
International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, Zagreb, Crotia. 19 - 22.04.2016
Izzet KOÇAK, "‘’Laccase Immobilization onto Antraquinone and Anthrecene modified GC Electrodes and HighThroughput Screening of O2 Reduction’’ ", 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Chemistry, .
Zagreb, Crotia. 19 - 22.04.2016
Izzet Kocak, Burak Coban, Ufuk Yildiz, Abdurrahman Sengul: Interaction of Pt(bpy)(pip)]2+ and
[Pt(bpy)(hpip)]2+ with DNA and an Electrochemical DNA Biosensor. 11th International Electrochemistry
Meeting in Turkey (ECM11), Van, Turkey; 09/2015
Mohamed A. Ghanem, Izzet Kocak, Abdullah Al-Mayouf, MansourAlHoshan, Philip N. Bartlett; “Covalent,
Chemical and Electrochemical Modification of Carbon Nanotubes by Redox Probes for Biosensor
Applications”, Electrochem2011: Electrochemical Horizons, Bath-UK.
Izzet Kocak, Philip N. Bartlett; “The Modification of Carbon Electrodes for Biosensor Applications”,
Electrochem2011: Electrochemical Horizons, Bath-UK. (Oral Presentation)
Izzet Kocak, Gulsin Arslan, Ali. Tor, Yunus. Cengeloglu,“Removal of Boron from Water by Using Reverse
Osmosis” ,COST Action 637-METEAU, ,Antalya-Turkey.
Izzet Kocak, Gulsin Arslan, Ali. Tor, Yunus Cengeloglu, N. Dursun, “Removal of Boron from Aqueous Solutions by
Reverse Osmosis”, 1st International Turkiye-Pakistan Chemistry Days, Konya-Turkey.
Projeler veYaptığı Görevler
Ters Ozmoz ile Sulu Çözeltiden Bor Uzaklaştırılması, TUBİTAK Projesi, 105M048, Araştırmacı, 2008.
Antrakinonla modifiye edilmiş MWCNT’lerin aprotic ortamdaki elektrokimyasal özelliklerinin araştırılması
ve farklı türdeki karbon elektrotların NADH oksidasyonuna karşı etkinbliklerinin kıyaslanması, Yürütücü, BAP,
BEÜ, 2015 Mart-2016 Aralık
Aldığı Ödüller:
 Tubitak Yurtiçi Doktora Araştırma Bursu; 2008
 MEB, Yurtdışı Doktora araştırma Bursu;2008
İlgi Alanları:
Elektrokimya, Biyoelektrokimya, Biyosensörler, Nanobiyoteknoloji, Nanoteknoloji,
Enzim İmmobilisazyonu, Karbon Nanotüp, Elektrokimyasal Sensorler, Nanokimya,
Grafen, Membranlar, Kimya, Analitik Kimya, DNA biyosensörleri, DNA-ilaç
Bildiği Diller:
İngilizce (İleri Düzeyde)