Adı Soyadı: Muhammed Sadaka Toprak
Doğum Tarihi: 16 Kasim 1973
Öğrenim Durumu:
Kimya Ogretmenligi
Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi
Y. Lisans
Kimya (Anorganik)
Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi
Tekn. Lic.
Materials Science and
Materials Science and
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden
(Isvec’e ozgu derece)
Materials Chemistry
Yüksek Lisans Tez Başlığı ve Tez Danışmanı :
Tez Basligi:
Synthesis of Calcium Ultra- and Oxyphosphates
Prof. Dr. Meral Kizilyalli, ODTU
Doktora Tezi Başlığı ve Danışmanı :
Tez Basligi:
Engineered Nanostructures and Thermoelectric Nanomaterials
Prof. Mamoun Muhammed, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Görev Unvanı
Bolum Bskn. Yrd.
Bolum Baskani
Görev Yeri
Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakultesi,
Kimya Bl.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology / Dept of Materials
Science and Engineering, Materials Chemistry
University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)/Dept
of Chemistry
KTH Royal Institute of Technology / Dept of Functional
KTH Royal Institute of Technology / Dept of Functional
KTH Royal Institute of Technology / Dept of Functional
YBU Muhendislik ve Doga Bilimleri Fakultesi
2008- 2012
2012 2012 -
Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri :
1. Shanghua Li (2004). Nanoengineering of Particles and Surfaces for Energy Applications,
ISRN: KTH/MSE-04/15-SE+CHEM/EX, Royal Institute of Technology, MSE, Stockholm,
2. Thibault Boisson (2004). Fabrication of nanoparticles and nanofluids for heat transfer
applications, ISRN KTH/MSE--04/48--SE+CHEM/EX, Royal Institute of Technology, MSE,
Stockholm, Sweden
3. Mahdi Darab (2008). Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Cathode
Material (BSCF) for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), Royal Institute of Technology, MAP,
Kista-Stockholm, Sweden
4. Abdullah Khan (2008). Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-structured CoSb3
Thermoelectric Material, Royal Institute of Technology, MAP, Kista-Stockholm, Sweden
5. Basil Uthuppu (2008). Synthesis, Characterization and MRI application of Gadolinium
Oxide Nanoparticles, Royal Institute of Technology, MAP, Kista-Stockholm, Sweden
6. Md. Rezaul Kabir (2009). Control of Morphology of ZnO Nanostructures and
Enhancement of Photocatalytic Property by Gold Nanostructure Deposition, TRITA-ICTEX-2009:153, Royal Institute of Technology, MAP, Kista-Stockholm, Sweden
7. Md. Sarower Alam (2009). Synthesis, Characterization and MRI application of MnO
Nanoparticles. TRITA-ICT-EX-2009:223, Royal Institute of Technology, MAP, KistaStockholm, Sweden
8. Mohsin Saleemi (2009). Synthesis and Characterizations of Nanostructured bulk Bismuth
Telluride as Thermoelectric material. TRITA-ICT-EX-2009:152, Royal Institute of
Technology, MAP, Kista-Stockholm, Sweden
9. Song Fei (2009). Optimization of Fabrication Process of Nanostructured Surfaces for
enhanced boiling, ICT/MAP/FNM/2008-2, Royal Institute of Technology, MAP, KistaStockholm, Sweden
10. Roodabeh Afrasiabi. Microwave synthesis of semiconductor nanostructures. Royal
Institute of Technology, MAP, Kista-Stockholm, Sweden
11. Yichen Zhao (2010). Fabrication of Polymer-­‐Quantum Dots Nanocomposites for Optoelectronics, Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Kista-­‐Stockholm, Sweden. 12. Xuran Yang (2010). Synthesis of Hybrid ZnO Nanowires – Quantum Dots and Their Photoelectrical Characterization, Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Kista-­‐Stockholm, Sweden. 13. Boban Gavric (2011). Investigation of ZnO nanorods for UV detection, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Kista-­‐Stockholm, Sweden.
14. Mohsen Y. Tafti (2011). Engineered Porous Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Kista-­‐Stockholm, Sweden.
15. Philip Lamberstam (2012). Nanocellulose Based Films: Improved Mechanical and Gas Barrier Properties, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Kista-­‐Stockholm, Sweden. Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri :
1. Shanghua Li (2008). Fabrication of Nanostructured Materials for Energy Applications,
KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Stockholm, Sweden.
2. Andrea Fornara (2010). Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Diagnostics and Therapeutic
Applications, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Stockholm, Sweden.
3. Abhilash Sugunan (2012), Fabrication and Photoelectrochemical Applications of II-VI
Semiconductor Nanomaterials, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School,
Stockholm, Sweden
4. Carmen Vogt (2012), Engineered Core-Shell Nanomaterials: Synthesis Characterization
and Biocompatibility Studies, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
5. Fei Ye (2012), Chemically Synthesized Nano-Structured Materials for Biomedical and
Photonic Applications, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Stockholm,
6. Mazher Yar (2012), Development of Nanostructured Tungsten Based Composites for
Energy Applications, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Stockholm, Sweden
7. Nader Nikkam (Mayis-2014), Nanoengineered materials for heat exchange, KTH-Royal
Institute of Technology, ICT School, Stockholm, Sweden
8. Mohsin Saleemi (halen devam ediyor-2014), Nanoengineered materials for heat
exchange and heat recovery, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, ICT School, Stockholm,
Projelerde Yaptığı Görevler :
Projelerin buyuk cogunlugu Isvec’te bulundugum enstitude aktif olarak gorev yaptigim,
agirlikli olarak AB destekli arastirma projeleri. Asagida proje detalyari ile projelerdeki
sorumluluklarim kisa bir sekilde ozetlenmistir.
NANOTHERMEL –Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials, FP5 Avrupa Birligi Arastirma
Projesi (2000-2003): Proje yazimi, Proje asistan koordinatorlugu, Projede aktif malzeme
sentez ve karakterizasyonu uzerine calisma, sentez metotlari gelistirme, rapor hazirlama ve
a AB uyesi 6 grup arasindaki aktiviteleri koordine etme. Bu proje AB tarafindan Success
Story olarak secildi.
Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials, VR (Isvec TUBITAK muadili) (2003-2005). Proje
yazimi ve yonetimi. Nanoboyutlu termoelektrik malzeme sentez ve karakterizasyonu uzerine
detayli calismalar. Sentez metotlari gelistirme.
Micro- and nano structured surfaces for enhanced boiling heat transfer, STEM (Isvec Enerji
Bakanligi) (2003-2006, 2007-2010): Proje yazimi. Nanoyapili yuzeyleri sentezlemek icin
metot gelistirme ve karakterizasyonu uzerine detayli calismalar. Bu projeden elde edilen
basarili sonuclar ile bir firma kurduk (Micro Delta T) ve firmamiz su anda gelistirme
Bio-diagnostics, AB FP6 Projesi (2006-2009). Proje yurutumu ve proje altinda Doktora
ogrencisi danismanligi. Nanokapsul ya da core-shell yapilari seklinde bio-diagnostik maksatli
degisik nanoparcacik platformlari gelistirme. Calismalar superparamanyetik nanoparcacik
sentezi uzerine odakli.
Micro-Nano Technology, KAW (Knut ve Alice Wallenberg Fonu (KAW), ISVEC) (2005-2010):
Proje yazimi ve porje yonetimi tarafimdan yapildi. Biyolojik sistemlerde biyomarker ve
gudumlu ilac tasiyici olarak kullanilmak uzere nanomalzeme sentez ve karakterizasyonu.
Calismalarin iki yilini yurt disinda yapmama izin verildiginden iki yil sureyle UCSB’ de
(University of California at Santa Barbara) arastirmaci olarak gorev yaptim bu konuda.
Elektro-Manyetik Radyasyon Soğurucu
Malzeme (EMARSOM) Geliştirilmesi (SAN-TEZ).
GYTE va Fatih Universitesi ile birlikte radyasyon sogurucu malzeme sentezi ve
karakterizasyonu uzerine isbirligi. Nanokarakterizasyon konusunda teknik ve bilimsel destek
NOVAPOL – Novel Polymer-ZnO nanocomposites (2009-2010). Proje yazimi ve yurutmesi.
ZnO nanoparcacik-nanorod sentez metot gelistirme ve bu nanorod’larin polymer matris
icerisinde homojen olarak dagitilmasi icin gereken yuzey modifikasyonlarinin uygulamasi.
Detayli fiziksel ve kimyasal özellik analizi.
NANOMMUNE – Comprehensive assessment of hazardous effects of engineered
nanomaterials on the immune system, FP5 Avrupa Birligi Arastirma Projesi (2008-2011).
Projede malzeme sentezi kisminin grup lideri ve core-shell nanoparcacik sentezleme ile
sorumlu grup yoneticisi. Sentez metotlari gelistirme. Proje icerigine yonelik sentez uzerine
aktif olarak Doktora ogrencisi danismanligi. Detayli nanomalzeme karakterizasyon
calismalari; fiziksel ve kimyasal özellik analizi.
NANOHex –Nanotechnology based heat exchange fluids, FP7 AB Arastirma Projesi (20092012). Proje yurutucusu. Metalik ve seramik nanomalzeme sentezi, yuzey modifikasyonu ve
gereken sivi (su ya da yag bazli) icerisinde kararli suspansiyonlar formule edilmesi. Bu
suspansiyonlarin Enery Bolumu ile bearber termal analizleri ve isi iletkenliklerinin tayini.
İdari Görevler :
1. Bolum Baskani, Functional Materials Division-FNM, ICT School, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm-Sweden.
2. Bolum Baskan Yardimcisi, Functional Materials Division-FNM, ICT School, KTH Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm-Sweden.
3. Assistant Coordinator for the International Master Program on Nanomaterials and
Nanotechnology, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm-Sweden.
4. Vice headmaster of Graduate Studies, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm-Sweden.
Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler :
1. American Ceramic Society
2. The Electroceramic Society
Ödüller :
1. SWETURK (Turk-Isvec Isadamlari Dernegi) Basari Odulu (2012)
2. Marquis Who's Who in the World (2009).
3. Dow Materials Use award in New Venture Competition at UCSB, as a part of
Technology Management Program (TMP).
4. 2005-2010 Doktora Sonrasi Arastirma Bursu, Knut och Alice Wallenberg Fonu, Isvec.
5. 1998 – 1999: Munir-Birsel Doktora Bursu, TUBITAK
6. 1996 – 1997: TUBITAK Y. Lisans Burs
Verdiği lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki dersler
Son yillarda verilen dersler Master ve Doktora seviyesinde ve yogunlukla Guz doneminde
olup asagidaki listede detayli bir sekilde belirtilmiştir.
Dersin Adı
Introduction to Nanomaterials
and Nanotechnology
Experimental TechniquesBULK
Nanostructured Materials and
Self Assembly
Advanced Projects in
Introduction to Nanomaterials
and Nanotechnology– IM2655
Experimental TechniquesBULK – IM2657
Nanostructured Materials and
Self Assembly-IM2658
Advanced Projects in
Haftalık Saati
Teorik Uygulama
Introduction to Nanomaterials
and Nanotechnology– IM2655
Experimental TechniquesBULK – IM2657
Nanostructured Materials and
Self Assembly-IM2658
Advanced Projects in
Advanced Topics in Materials
Science – IM3002
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
Önemli bir husus Isvec’te makaleler Y.Lisans ve Doktora tezinin bir gerekliliği ve parcasi
değerlendirirken bu hususun gözönune alinmasi gerekir.
A1. Nikkam, N., Ghanbarpour, M., Saleemi, M., Haghighi, E.B., Khodabandeh, R.,
Muhammed, M., Palm, B., Toprak, M.S.
Experimental investigation on thermo-physical properties of copper/diethylene glycol
nanofluids fabricated via microwave-assisted route
(2014) Applied Thermal Engineering, 65 (1-2), pp. 158-165.
A2. Najmoddin, N., Beitollahi, A., Kavas, H., Majid Mohseni, S., Rezaie, H., Åkerman, J.,
Toprak, M.S.
XRD cation distribution and magnetic properties of mesoporous Zn-substituted CuFe2O4
(2014) Ceramics International, 40 (2), pp. 3619-3625.
A3. Esir, S., Topkaya, R., Baykal, A., Akman, Ö., Toprak, M.S.
Magnetic Properties of Annealed CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles Synthesized by the PEGAssisted Route
(2014) Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 24 (2), pp.
A4. Haghighi, E.B., Saleemi, M., Nikkam, N., Khodabandeh, R., Toprak, M.S., Muhammed,
M., Palm, B.
Accurate basis of comparison for convective heat transfer in nanofluids
(2014) International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, pp. 1-7.
A5. Fiameni, S., Famengo, A., Agresti, F., Boldrini, S., Battiston, S., Saleemi, M., Johnsson,
M., Toprak, M.S., Fabrizio, M.
Effect of Synthesis and Sintering Conditions on the Thermoelectric Properties of n-Doped
(2014) Journal of Electronic Materials, pp. 1-6. Article in Press.
A6. Jacquot, A., Rull, M., Moure, A., Fernandez-Lozano, J.F., Martin-Gonzalez, M., Saleemi,
M., Toprak, M.S., Muhammed, M., Jaegle, M.
Anisotropy and inhomogeneity measurement of the transport properties of spark plasma
sintered thermoelectric materials
(2013) Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1490, pp. 89-95.
A7. Saleemi, M., Tafti, M.Y., Toprak, M.S., Stingaciu, M., Johnsson, M., Jägle, M., Jacquot,
A., Muhammed, M. Fabrication of nanostructured bulk cobalt antimonide (CoSb3) based
skutterudites via bottom-up synthesis
(2013) Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1490, pp. 121-126.
A8. Saleemi, M., Ruditskiy, A., Toprak, M.S., Stingaciu, M., Johnsson, M., Kretzschmar, I.,
Jacquot, A., Jägle, M., Muhammed, M.
Evaluation of the Structure and Transport Properties of Nanostructured Antimony
Telluride (Sb2Te3)
(2013) Journal of Electronic Materials, pp. 1-6.
A9. Haghighi, E.B., Nikkam, N., Saleemi, M., Behi, M., Mirmohammadi, S.A., Poth, H.,
Khodabandeh, R., Toprak, M.S., Muhammed, M., Palm, B.
Shelf stability of nanofluids and its effect on thermal conductivity and viscosity
(2013) Measurement Science and Technology, 24 (10), art. no. 105301, .
A10. Shafiu, S., Topkaya, R., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S.
Facile synthesis of PVA-MnFe2O4 nanocomposite: Its magnetic investigation
(2013) Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (10), pp. 4066-4071. Cited 1 time.
A11. Haghighi, E.B., Saleemi, M., Nikkam, N., Anwar, Z., Lumbreras, I., Behi, M.,
Mirmohammadi, S.A., Poth, H., Khodabandeh, R., Toprak, M.S., Muhammed, M., Palm,
Cooling performance of nanofluids in a small diameter tube
(2013) Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 49, pp. 114-122. Cited 1 time.
A12. Andõn, F.T., Kapralov, A.A., Yanamala, N., Feng, W., Baygan, A., Chambers, B.J.,
Hultenby, K., Ye, F., Toprak, M.S., Brandner, B.D., Fornara, A., Klein-Seetharaman, J.,
Kotchey, G.P., Star, A., Shvedova, A.A., Fadeel, B., Kagan, V.E.
Biodegradation of single-walled carbon nanotubes by eosinophil peroxidase
(2013) Small, 9 (16), pp. 2721-2729. Cited 6 times.
A13. Kurtan, U., Topkaya, R., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S.
Temperature dependent magnetic properties of CoFe2O 4/CTAB nanocomposite
synthesized by sol-gel auto-combustion technique
(2013) Ceramics International, 39 (6), pp. 6551-6558. Cited 2 times.
A14. Sozeri, H., Kurtan, U., Topkaya, R., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S.
Polyaniline (PANI)-Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O 4 nanocomposite: Synthesis, characterization and
magnetic properties evaluation
(2013) Ceramics International, 39 (5), pp. 5137-5143. Cited 7 times.
A15. Famengo, A., Battiston, S., Saleemi, M., Boldrini, S., Fiameni, S., Agresti, F., Toprak,
M.S., Barison, S., Fabrizio, M.
Phase content influence on thermoelectric properties of manganese silicide-based
materials for middle-high temperatures
(2013) Journal of Electronic Materials, 42 (7), pp. 2020-2024.
A16. Topkaya, R., Kurtan, U., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/MnFe2O4 nanocomposite: Sol-Gel autocombustion synthesis
and its magnetic characterization
(2013) Ceramics International, 39 (5), pp. 5651-5658. Cited 6 times.
A17. Battiston, S., Fiameni, S., Saleemi, M., Boldrini, S., Famengo, A., Agresti, F.,
Stingaciu, M., Toprak, M.S., Fabrizio, M., Barison, S.
Synthesis and characterization of Al-Doped Mg2Si thermoelectric materials
(2013) Journal of Electronic Materials, 42 (7), pp. 1956-1959. Cited 2 times.
A18. Burks, T., Uheida, A., Saleemi, M., Eita, M., Toprak, M.S., Muhammed, M.
Removal of Chromium(VI) Using Surface Modified Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide
(2013) Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia), 48 (8), pp. 1243-1251.
A19. Saleemi, M., Toprak, M.S., Fiameni, S., Boldrini, S., Battiston, S., Famengo, A.,
Stingaciu, M., Johnsson, M., Muhammed, M.
Spark plasma sintering and thermoelectric evaluation of nanocrystalline magnesium
silicide (Mg2Si)
(2013) Journal of Materials Science, 48 (5), pp. 1940-1946. Cited 3 times.
A20. Günay, M., Erdemi, H., Baykal, A., Sözeri, H., Toprak, M.S.
Triethylene glycol stabilized MnFe2O4 nanoparticle: Synthesis, magnetic and electrical
(2013) Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (3), pp. 1057-1064. Cited 3 times.
A21. Baykal, A., Senel, M., Unal, B., Karaoǧlu, E., Sözeri, H., Toprak, M.S.
Acid Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotube/Magnetite (MWCNT)-COOH/Fe3O4
Hybrid: Synthesis, Characterization and Conductivity Evaluation
(2013) Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 23 (3), pp. 726735.
A22. Deligöz, H., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Tanriverdi, E.E., Durmus, Z., Sözeri, H.
Synthesis, structural, magnetic and electrical properties of Co 1-xZnxFe2O4 (x = 0.0,
0.2) nanoparticles
(2013) Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (2), pp. 646-654. Cited 4 times.
A23. Akman, O., Kavas, H., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Çoruh, A., Aktaş, B.
Magnetic metal nanoparticles coated polyacrylonitrile textiles as microwave absorber
(2013) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 327, pp. 151-158. Cited 6 times.
A24. Baykal, A., Günay, M., Toprak, M.S., Sozeri, H.
Effect of ionic liquids on the electrical and magnetic performance of polyaniline-nickel
ferrite nanocomposite
(2013) Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (2), pp. 378-382. Cited 3 times.
A25. Topkaya, R., Kurtan, U., Baykal, A., Sözeri, H., Toprak, M.S.
Polymer Assisted Co-precipitation Synthesis and Characterization of Polyethylene Glycol
(PEG)/CoFe2O4 Nanocomposite
(2013) Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 23 (3), pp. 592598.
A26. Karaoglu, E., Summak, M.M., Baykal, A., Sözeri, H., Toprak, M.S.
Synthesis and Characterization of Catalytically Activity Fe3o4-3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane/Pd Nanocomposite
(2013) Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 23 (2), pp. 409417. Cited 4 times.
A27. Kavas, H., Günay, M., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Sozeri, H., Aktaş, B.
Negative Permittivity of Polyaniline-Fe3O4 Nanocomposite
(2013) Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 23 (2), pp. 306314. Cited 4 times.
A28. Baykal, A., Karaoglu, E., Sözeri, H., Uysal, E., Toprak, M.S.
Synthesis and characterization of high catalytic activity magnetic Fe 3O4 supported Pd
(2013) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26 (1), pp. 165-171. Cited 3
A29. Dong, L., Sugunan, A., Hu, J., Zhou, S., Li, S., Popov, S., Toprak, M.S., Friberg, A.T.,
Muhammed, M.
Photoluminescence from quasi-type-II spherical CdSe-CdS core-shell quantum dots
(2013) Applied Optics, 52 (1), pp. 105-109. Cited 3 times.
A30. Sozeri, H., Kurtan, U., Topkaya, R., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S.
Polyaniline (PANI)-Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4 nanocomposite: Synthesis, characterization and
magnetic properties evaluation
(2012) Ceramics International, . Article in Press.
A31. Durmus, Z., Baykal, A., Sozeri, H., Toprak, M.S.
Preparation of PVP (Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone)/Ba-Sr hexaferrites via gel to crystalline
(2012) Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry,
42 (10), pp. 1390-1397.
A32. Shahid, R., Toprak, M.S., Muhammed, M.
Microwave-assisted low temperature synthesis of wurtzite ZnS quantum dots
(2012) Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 187, pp. 130-133.
A33. Deligöz, H., Baykal, A., Tanriverdi, E.E., Durmus, Z., Toprak, M.S.
Synthesis, structural and electrical properties of triethylene glycol (TREG) stabilized Mn
0.2Co 0.8Fe 2O 4 NPs
(2012) Materials Research Bulletin, 47 (3), pp. 537-543.
A34. Baykal, A., Deligöz, H., Sozeri, H., Durmus, Z., Toprak, M.S.
Triethylene Glycol Stabilized CoFe 2O 4 Nanoparticles
(2012) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25 (6), pp. 1879-1892.
A35. Aydin, M., Ünal, B., Esat, B., Baykal, A., Karaoglu, E., Toprak, M.S., Sözeri, H.
Synthesis, magnetic and electrical characteristics of poly(2-thiophen-3-yl- malonic
acid)/Fe 3O 4 nanocomposite
(2012) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 514, pp. 45-53.
A36. Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Durmus, Z., Senel, M., Sozeri, H., Demir, A.
Synthesis and Characterization of Dendrimer-Encapsulated Iron and Iron-Oxide
(2012) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25 (5), pp. 1541-1549.
A37. Günay, M., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Sözeri, H.
A Green Chemical Synthesis and Characterization of Mn3O4 nanoparticles
(2012) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25 (5), pp. 1535-1539.
A38. Shahid, R., Toprak, M.S., Soliman, H.M.A., Muhammed, M.
Low temperature synthesis of cubic phase zinc sulfide quantum dots
(2012) Central European Journal of Chemistry, 10 (1), pp. 54-58.
A39. Synthesis, processing, and thermoelectric properties of bulk nanostructured bismuth
telluride (Bi 2Te 3)
Saleemi, M., Toprak, M.S., Li, S., Johnsson, M., Muhammed, M.
(2012) Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (2), pp. 725-730.
Triethylene Glycol Stabilized CoFe 2O 4 Nanoparticles
Baykal, A., Deligöz, H., Sozeri, H., Durmus, Z., Toprak, M.S.
(2012) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, pp. 1-14. Article in Press.
Synthesis, magnetic and electrical characteristics of poly(2-thiophen-3-ylmalonic acid)/Fe 3O 4 nanocomposite
Aydin, M., Ünal, B., Esat, B., Baykal, A., Karaoglu, E., Toprak, M.S., Sözeri, H.
(2012) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 514, pp. 45-53.
Synthesis and Characterization of Dendrimer-Encapsulated Iron and IronOxide Nanoparticles
*Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Durmus, Z., Senel, M., Sozeri, H., Demir, A.
(2012) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, pp. 1-9. Article in Press.
Efficient internalization of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles of
different sizes by primary human macrophages and dendritic cells
A. Kunzmann, B. Andersson, C. Vogt, N. Feliu, F. Ye, S. Gabrielsson, M. S. Toprak, T.
Thurnherr, S. Laurent, M. Vahter, H. Krug, M. Muhammed, A. Scheynius, B. Fadeel
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
(2011), Article in Press, Manuscript no: TAAP-D-10-00791R1.
Multifunctional core–shell nanoparticles: superparamagnetic, mesoporous,
and thermosensitive
Fei Ye, Jian Qin, Muhammet S. Toprak and Mamoun Muhammed,
2010, Article in Press (2011), DOI 10.1007/s11051-011-0272-8.
A Green Chemical Synthesis and Characterization of Mn3O4 nanoparticles
Günay, M., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Sözeri, H.
(2012) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, pp. 1-5. Article in Press.
Low temperature synthesis of cubic phase zinc sulfide quantum dots
*Shahid, R., Toprak, M.S., Soliman, H.M.A., Muhammed, M.
(2012) Central European Journal of Chemistry, 10 (1), pp. 54-58.
Poly(vinyl phosphonic acid) (PVPA)-BaFe12O19 Nanocomposite
Durmus, Z., Kavas, H., Sozeri, H., Toprak, M.S., Aslan, A., Baykal, A.
(2011) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, pp. 1-9. Article in Press.
A48. Synthesis of tetrahedral quasi-type-II CdSe-CdS core-shell quantum dots
Sugunan, A., Zhao, Y., Mitra, S., Dong, L., Li, S., Popov, S., Marcinkevicius, S., Toprak,
M.S., Muhammed, M.
(2011) Nanotechnology, 22 (42), art. no. 425202, .
A49. Synthesis and characteristics of poly(3-pyrrol-1-ylpropanoic acid) (PPyAA)-Fe3O4
Karaoglu, E., Baykal, A., Deligöz, H., Şenel, M., Sözeri, H., Toprak, M.S.
(2011) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (33), pp. 8460-8468.
A50. Synthesis, dielectric and magnetic characteristics of poly(1-vinyl-1,2,4- triazole)
(PVTri)-barium hexaferrite composite
Unal, B., Durmus, Z., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Sozeri, H., Bozkurt, A.
(2011) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (32), pp. 8199-8206.
A51. PEG-assisted synthesis of Mn3O4 nanoparticles: A structural and magnetic study
Durmus, Z., Tomaş, M., Baykal, A., Kavas, H., Toprak, M.S.
(2011) Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry,
41 (7), pp. 768-773.
A52. Synthesis of high aspect ratio gold nanorods and their effects on human antigen
presenting dendritic cells
Ye, F., Vallhov, H., Qin, J., Daskalaki, E., Sugunan, A., Toprak, M.S., Fornara, A.,
Gabrielsson, S., Scheynius, A., Muhammed, M.
(2011) International Journal of Nanotechnology, 8 (8-9), pp. 631-652.
A53. Effect of Fuel on the Synthesis and Properties of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Modified
SrFe12O19 Nanoparticles
Z. Durmus, H. Sozeri, M. S. Toprak and A. Baykal
(2012) in press in J Supercond Nov Magn – online DOI 10.1007/s10948-012-1538-9.
A54. Synthesis and characterization of poly(1-vinyl-1,2,4-triazole) (PVTri)barium
hexaferrite nanocomposite
Durmus, Z., Unal, B., Toprak, M.S., Aslan, A., Baykal, A.
(2011) Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 (11), pp. 2298-2302.
A55. Synthesis and characterization of poly(3-thiophenyl acetic acid) (P3TAA)-BaFe 12O 19
Durmus, Z., Unal, B., Toprak, M.S., Sozeri, H., Baykal, A.
(2011) Polyhedron, 30 (7), pp. 1349-1359.
A56. Synthesis and characterization of poly(3-thiophene acetic acid)/Fe 3O 4
Aydin, M., Durmus, Z., Kavas, H., Esat, B., Sözeri, H., Baykal, A., Yilmaz, F., Toprak,
(2011) Polyhedron, 30 (6), pp. 1120-1126.
A57. Synthesis and characterization of l-carnosine coated iron oxide nanoparticles
Durmus, Z., Kavas, H., Baykal, A., Sozeri, H., Alpsoy, L., Elik, S.Ü., Toprak, M.S.
(2011) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (5), pp. 2555-2561.
A58. Synthesis and characterization of poly(vinyl phosphonic acid) (PVPA)-Fe 3O 4
Durmus, Z., Erdemi, H., Aslan, A., Toprak, M.S., Sozeri, H., Baykal, A.
(2011) Polyhedron, 30 (2), pp. 419-426.
A59. Microwave-assisted low temperature synthesis of wurtzite ZnS quantum dots
Shahid, R., Toprak, M.S., Muhammed, M.
(2012) Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 187, pp. 130-133.
A60. Synthesis, structural and electrical properties of triethylene glycol (TREG) stabilized
Mn0.2Co0.8Fe2O4 NPs
Deligöz, H., Baykal, A., Tanriverdi, E.E., Durmus, Z., Toprak, M.S.
(2012) Materials Research Bulletin, 47 (3), pp. 537-543.
A61. Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(3-thiophenyl Acetic Acid) (P3TAA)-BaFe12O19
Z. Durmus, B. Unal, M.S. Toprak, H. Sozeri and A. Baykal
Polyhedron 30, pp. 1120-1126 (2011).
A62. Synthesis and characterization of poly(3-thiophene acetic acid)/Fe3O4 nanocomposite
M. Aydın, Z. Durmus, H. Kavas, B. Esat, H. Sözeri, A. Baykal, F. Yılmaz and M.S.
Polyhedron, Article in Press (2011), doi:10.1016/j.poly.2011.01.009
A63. Nanocomposites of Polymer and Inorganic Nanoparticles for Optical and Magnetic
S. Li, M. M. Lin, M. S. Toprak, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed
Nano Reviews [Online], MS ID:5214 (2010). DOI: 10.3402/nano.v1i0.5214
A64. Radially Oriented ZnO nanowires on Flexible Poly-L-Lactide Nanofibers for ‘ContinuousFlow’ Photocatalytic Water Purification
Sugunan A., Guduru V. K., Uheida A., Toprak M. S., and Muhammed M.
Journal of American Ceramic Society 93 (11), pp 3740-3744 (2010). DOI:
A65. Polyol synthesis of (polyvinylpyrrolidone) PVP–Mn3O4 nanocomposite
A. Baykal, N. Bıtrak, B. Ünal, H. Kavas, Z. Durmus, S. Özden, M.S. Toprak
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 502, pp 199–205 (2010).
A66. The effect of neutralizing agent on the synthesis and characterization of Mn3O4
Z. Durmus, M. Tomas, A. Baykal, H.Kavas, T. Gürkaynak Altınçekiç, M. S. Toprak,
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 55 (12), pp. 1-6 (2010). DOI:
A67. Synthesis Of Nanostructured BSCF By Oxalate Co-precipitation -As Potential Cathode
Material For Solid Oxide Fuels Cells
Toprak, M.S., Darab, M., Syvertsen, G.E., Muhammed, M.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (17), pp. 9448-9454 (2010).
A68. Magnetic and dielectric characterization of alginic acid-Fe3O4 nanocomposite
Z. Durmus, H. Sözeri, B. Unal, A. Baykal, R. Topkaya, S. Kazan and M.S. Toprak
Polyhedron 30, 322–328 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.poly.2010.10.028.
A69. Samarium-Doped Ceria Nanowires: Novel Synthesis and Application in LowTemperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Y. Ma, X. Wang, S. Li, M. S. Toprak, B. Zhu, M. Muhammed
Advanced Materials 22 (14), 1640-1644 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/adma.200903402
A70. Novel Solution Route Synthesis of Low Thermal Conductivity Nanocrystalline Bismuth
Li, S.; Zhang, S.; He, Z.; Toprak, M.; Stiewe, C.; Muhammed, M.; Müller, E.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (11), pp. 7658-7662(5) (2010).
A71. Synthesis, conductivity and dielectric characterization of salicylic acid-Fe3O4
B. Unal, Z. Durmus, H Kavas, A Baykal, MS Toprak
Materials Chemistry and Physics 123 (1), pp. 184-190 (2010).
A72. Sonochemical synthesis and chracterization of Mn3O4 nanoparticles
A. Baykal, H. Kavas, Z. Durmuş, M. Demir, S. Kazan, R. Topkaya and M. S. Toprak
Central European Journal of Chemistry 8, pp 633-638 (2010). DOI: 10.2478/s11532010-0037-8
A73. Synthesis and magnetic characterization of Zn0.7Ni0.3Fe2O4 nanoparticles via
Microwave-assisted combustion route
M. Sertkol, Y. Köseoglu, A. Baykal, H. Kavas, M.S. Toprak
A74. CTAB-Mn3O4 nanocomposites: Synthesis, NMR and Low Temperature EPR studies
H. Kavas, Z. Durmus, M. Şenel, S. Kazan, A. Baykal, M.S. Toprak
Polyhedron 29 (5), 1375-1380 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.poly.2009.12.034.
A75. Synthesis and characterization of CuFe2O4 nanorods synthesized by polyol route
T.G. Altincekic, İ. Boz, A. Baykal, S. Kazan, R. Topkaya, M.S. Toprak
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2008), doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.12.140
A76. Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole–BaFe12O19 nanocomposite,
B. Birsöz, A. Baykal, H. Sözeri, M.S. Toprak
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2010). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.12.135
A77. Synthesis and conductivity evaluation of PVTri–Fe3O4 nanocomposite
H. Kavas, Z. Durmus, A. Baykal, A. Aslan, A. Bozkurt, M.S. Toprak
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2010). doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2009.12.022
A78. Low temperature synthesis of photoconducting CdTe nanotetrapods
A. Sugunan, H. M. Jafri, J. Qin, T. Blom, M. S. Toprak, K. Leifer, M. Muhammed
J. Mater. Chem. 20, 1208–1214 (2010). doi: 10.1039/b916208a
A79. Sm-doped Ceria nanowires: Novel synthesis and application in low-temperature solid
oxide fuel cells
Y. Ma, X. Wang, S. Li, M. S. Toprak, B. Zhu, M. Muhammed
Adv. Mater. 22, 1–5 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/adma.200903402
A80. Nanoengineered BSCF Cathode Materials for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide
Fuel Cells
M. Darab, M. S. Toprak, G. E. Syvertsen, M. Muhammed
J. Electrochem. Soc. 156 (8), K139-K143 (2009). DOI: 10.1149/1.3142430
A81. High quality and tuneable silica shell - magnetic core nanoparticles
C. Vogt, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, S. Laurent, J.-L. Bridot, R. N. Mueller
J. Nanopart. Res. (2009), in Press. DOI: 10.1007/s11051-009-9661-7
A82. A green chemical route for the synthesis of Mn3O4 nanoparticles
Z. Durmus, H. Kavas, A. Baykal, M. S. Toprak
Cent. Eur. J. Chem. 7(3), 555-559 (2009). doi: 10.2478/s11532-009-0049-4
A83. Metals and the integrity of a biological coating: The cuticle of mussel byssus,
N. H. Andersen, T. E. Mates, M. S. Toprak, G. D. Stucky, F. W. Zok, and J. H. Waite,
Langmuir 25 (6), 3323–3326 (2009). DOI: 10.1021/la8027012
A84. Holographic recording in cross-linked polymeric matrices through photoacid
A. Khan, L. M. Campos, A. Mikhailovsky, M. Toprak, N. C. Strandwitz, G. D. Stucky, and
C. J. Hawker,
Chem. Mater. 20 (11), 3669-3674 (2008). DOI: 10.1021/cm800500q
A85. Ovalbumin mediated synthesis of Mn3O4
Z. Durmus, A. Baykala, H. Kavas, M. Direkçi and M. S. Toprak
Polyhedron 28, 2119–2122 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.poly.2009.03.026
A86. The use of a nano- and micro-porous surface layer to enhance boiling in a plate heat
R. Furberg, B. Palm, S. Li, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed
J. Heat Transfer 131, 101010 (2009). Doi: 10.1115/1.3180702
A87. Synthesis and magnetic properties of bulk transparent PMMA/Fe-oxide
S. Li, J. Qin, A. Fornara, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed, D. K. Kim
Nanotechnology 20, 185607-185612 (2009). doi:10.1088/0957-484/20/18/185607
A88. Template electrodeposition of ordered bismuth telluride nanowire arrays
S. Li, Y. Liang, J. Qin, M. Toprak and M. Muhammed
J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 9, 1543-1547 (2009). doi:10.1166/jnn.2008.1077
A89. L-lysine coated iron oxide nanoparticles: Synthesis, structural and conductivity
Z. Durmus, H. Kavas, M. S. Toprak, A. Baykal, T. G. Altıncekic¸ A. Aslan, A. Bozkurt, S.
J. Alloys Compd. 484, 371-376 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.04.103
Reflux synthesis of Co3O4 nanoparticles and its magnetic characterization
T. Ozkaya, A. Baykal, M.S. Toprak,Y. Koseoglu and Z. Durmus,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 2145–2149 (2009).
A91. CTAB-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Magnetic Characterization of
NixCo1−xFe2O4 Nanoparticles (x = 0.0, 0.6, 1.0)
A. Baykal, N. Kasapoglu, Z. Durmus, H. Kavas, M. S. Toprak, Y. Koseoglu
Turk J Chem 33, 33–45 (2009).
A92. Cation Distribution and Magnetic Properties of Zn doped NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles
Synthesized by PEG-Assisted Hydrothermal Route
H. Kavas, A. Baykal, M.S. Toprak,Y. Koseoglu, M. Sertkol, B. Aktas
J. Alloys Compd. 479, 49–55 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.01.014
A93. Synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles at 100 ◦C and its magnetic characterization
T. Ozkaya, M. S. Toprak, A. Baykal, H. Kavas, Y. Köseoğlu, B. Aktaş
J. Alloys Compd. 472, 18-23 (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.04.101.
A94. Nature-inspired Boiling Enhancement by Novel Nanostructured Macro-porous Surface
S. Li, R. Furberg, M. S. Toprak, B. Palm, M. Muhammed,
Adv. Func. Mater. 18, 1-7 (2008). DOI:10.1002/adfm.200701405
A95. Bulk synthesis of transparent and homogeneous polymeric hybrid materials with ZnO
quantum dots and PMMA
S. Li, M. S. Toprak, Y. S. Jo, J. Dobson, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed
Adv. Mater. 19(24), 4347 – 4352 (2007). DOI: 10.1002/adma.200700736.
A96. 2-pyrrolidone - Capped Mn3O4 Nanocrystals
T. Özkaya, A. Baykal, M. S. Toprak
Cent. Eur. J. Chem. 6(3), 465–469 (2008). DOI: 10.2478/s11532-008-0041-4
A97. Holographic recording in cross-linked polymeric matrices through photoacid
A. Khan, L.M. Campos, A. Mikhailovsky, M. Toprak, N.C. Strandwitz, G.D. Stucky,
Chem. Mater. 20(11), 3669-3674 (2008). DOI: 10.1021/cm800500q
A98. A novel synthetic route to Mn3O4 nanoparticles and their magnetic evaluation
T. Ozkaya, A. Baykal, H. Kavas, Y. Köseoğlu, M.S. Toprak
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 403(19-20), 3760-3764 (2008).
A99. Synthesis and Characterization of ZnFe2O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles via a PEG-assisted
Y. Köseoğlu; A. Baykal; M. S. Toprak; F. Gözüak; A. C. Başaran; B. Aktaş,
J. Alloys Compd. 462, 209-213 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.07.121
A100. Effects of Annealing and Doping on Nanostructured Bismuth Telluride Thick Films
S Li, H. M. A. Soliman, J. Zhou, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, D. Platzek, P Ziolkowski,
and E. Müller
Chem. Mater. 20 (13), 4403–4410 (2008). doi: 10.1021/cm800696h
A101. Seebeck coefficient of nanostructured phosphorus-alloyed bismuth telluride thick films
J. Zhou, S. Li, H.M.A. Soliman, M.S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, D. Platzek, E. Müller
J. Alloys Compd. 471, 278-281 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.03.088.
A102. Thermoelectric properties of CoSb3 with maize-like structure
S. Li, Z. He, M. S. Toprak, C. Stiewe, E. Mueller and M. Muhammed
Phys. Status Solidi. Rapid Res. Lett., 1 (6), 259-261 (2007) (Special issue on
Thermoelectrics). DOI 10.1002/pssr.200701172
A103. Microwave-induced Combustion Synthesis and Characterization of NixCo1-xFe2O4
Nanocrystals (x = 0, 0.6, 1.0)
A. Baykal, N. Kasapoğlu, Y. Köseoğlu, M. Toprak, B. Aktaş,
Central European Journal of Chemistry 125-130 (2008). DOI: 10.2478/s11532-0070070-4
A104. Control of Size and Permeability of Nanocomposite Microspheres
M. S. Toprak, B. J. McKenna, H. Waite, G. D. Stucky,
Chem. Mater. 19(17), 4263-4269 (2007). DOI 10.1021/cm071215b
A105. Thermoelectric properties of hot-pressed skutterudite CoSb3
Z. He, C. Stiewe, D. Platzek, G. Karpinski, E. Müller, S. Li, M. Toprak, and M.
J. Appl. Phys. 101, 053713. DOI: 10.1063/1.2538036
A106. Effect of ceramic dispersion on thermoelectric properties of nano ZrO2/CoSb3 composites
Z. He, C. Stiewe, D. Platzek, G. Karpinski, E. Müller, S. Li, M. Toprak, and M.
J. Appl. Phys. (2007), 101, 043707 (2007). DOI: 10.1063/1.2561628
A107. Control of thermoelectric properties in ZrO2/CoSb3 nano-dispersed composites
C. Stiewe, Z. He, D. Platzek, G. Karpinski, E. Mueller, S. Li, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed
Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech., 38, 773 (2007). DOI: 10.1002/mawe.200700192
A108. Nano ZrO2/CoSb3 composites with improved thermoelectric figure of merit
Z. He, C. Stiewe, D. Platzek, G. Karpinski, E. Müller, S. Li, M. Toprak, and M.
Nanotechnology 18, 235602 (2007). doi:10.1088/0957-4484/18/23/235602
A109. Field-activated sintering of skutterudites
V. Y. Kodash, J. R. Groza, G. Aldica, M. S. Toprak, S. Li and M. Muhammed
Scripta Mater. 57, 509 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.05.032
A110. Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of octahedral ferrite NixCo1-xFe2O4 Nanocrystals
N. Kasapoğlu, B. Birsöz, A. Baykal, Y. Köseoğlu, M. S. Toprak,
Central European Journal of Chemistry 5(2), 570-580 (2007). DOI: 10.2478/s11532007-0005-0
A111. CTAB-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of NiFe2O4 and its magnetic characterization
A. Baykal, N. Kasapoğlu, Y. Köseoğlu, M. S. Toprak, H. Bayrakdar
J. Alloys Compd. 464, 514–518 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.10.041.
A112. A54. Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic Investigation of
Birsöz, A. Baykal, M. S. Toprak, Y. Köseoğlu,
Central European Journal of Chemistry 5(2), 536-545 (2007). DOI: 10.2478/s11532007-0006-z
A113. Synthesis and characterization of NiFe2O4 nano-octahedrons by EDTA-assisted hydrothermal method
Kasapoglu, N., Baykal, A., Toprak, M.S., Koseoglu, Y., Bayrakdar, H.
Turk J Chem 31(6), 2007.
A114. Microwave-assisted
N. Kasapoğlu, A. Baykal, Y. Köseoğlu and M. S. Toprak,
Scripta Materialia 57, 441–444 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.04.042
A115. Spontaneous Assembly of Magnetic Microspheres
M. S. Toprak, B. McKenna, H. Waite, G. Stucky,
Adv. Mater. 19(10), 1362-1368 (2007). DOI: 10.1002/adma.200602114
A116. Fabrication of Nanostructured Thermoelectric Bismuth Telluride Thick Films by
Electrochemical Deposition.
S. Li, M. Toprak, H. M. A. Soliman, J. Zhou, M. Muhammed, D. Platzek, and E. Müller,
Chem. Mater. 18 (16), 3627-3633 (2006). DOI: 10.1021/cm060171o
A117. ESR measurements on nanocrystalline powders of CoNiO
Y. Köseoğlu, F. Yıldız, B. Aktaş, G. Salazar Alvarez, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed,
Physica Status Solidi (b) 242(8), 1712-1718 (2005). DOI 10.1002/pssb.200440046
A118. Nanostructured Co1-xNix(Sb1-yTey)3 skutterudites: Theoretical modeling, synthesis
and thermoelectric properties
Stiewe, C., Bertini, L., Toprak, M., Christensen, M., Platzek, D., Williams, S., Gatti, C.,
Muller, E., Iversen, B.B., Muhammed, M., Rowe, M.
Journal of Applied Physics 97(4) (2005). DOI: 10.1063/1.1852072
The Impact of Nanostructuring on the Thermal Conductivity of Thermoelectric CoSb3
M. Toprak, C. Stiewe, L. Bertini, D. Platzek, S. Williams, C. Gatti, E. Müller, Y. Zhang,
M. Rowe, M. Muhammed,
Adv. Func. Mater.14(12), 1189-1196 (2004). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200400109
A120. Polymeric nanocomposites of complex ferrite.
D. K. Kim, M. Toprak, M. Mikhaylova, Y. S. Jo, Steven J. Savage, T. Tsakalakos, M.
Solid State Phenomena 99-100, 165-168 (2004).
A121. Structural study of Fe doped and Ni substituted thermoelectric skutterudites by
combined synchrotron and neutron powder diffraction and ab initio theory.
M. Christensen, B.B. Iversen, L. Bertini, C. Gatti, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed, E.
J. Appl. Phys., 96(6), 1-10 (2004). DOI: 10.1063/1.1781762
BSA Immobilization on Amine-Functionalized Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles.
M. Mikhaylova, D.K. Kim, C. Berry, A. Zagorodni, M. Toprak, A.S.G. Curtis, M.
Chem. Mater. 16(12), 2344 (2004). DOI: 10.1021/cm0348904
A123. Fabrication of 3D TE Structures
M. S. Toprak, M. Mikhaylova, Y. S. Jo, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed,
Solid State Phenomena 99-100, 73 (2004).
A124. Nanocrystalline Thermoelectric Alloys: Processing, Chemistry and Characterization
M. S. Toprak, Y. Zhang, Y. S. Jo, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed,
Solid State Phenomena 99-100, 197 (2004).
A125. Chemical Alloying and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Bismuth Telluride.
M. Toprak, Yu Zhang, M. Muhammed,
Materials Letters 4460, 1-7 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0167-577X(03)00250-7
A126. ESR study on high Tc superconductor MgB2
Y. Köseoglu, B. Aktas, F. Yildiz, D. K. Kim, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed,
Physica C. 390, 197-203 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(03)00896-7
A127. Nanostructured Co1-xNixSb3 Skutterudites: Synthesis, thermoelectric properties, and t
heoretical modeling.
L. Bertini, C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, S. Williams, D. Platzek, A. Mrotzek, Y. Zhang, C. Gatti,
E. Müller, M. Muhammed, M. Rowe,
J. Appl. Phys. 93(1), 438-447(2003). DOI: 10.1063/1.1529077
A128. Hydrothermal and Microwave Synthesis of Boronphosphate BPO4
A. Baykal, M. Toprak, M.Kizilyalli, and R.Kniep,
Turk. J. Chem. 25(4), 425-432 (2001).
A129. X-RAY powder diffraction and IR study of calcium borophosphate CaBPO5
A. Baykal, G. Gozel, M. Kizilyalli, M. Toprak, R. Kniep.
Turk. J. Chem. 24(4), 381-388 (2000).
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings)
basılan bildiriler :
B1. PLLA-ZnO Hierarchical Nanostructure as Multifunctional Active Material for Photocatalytic
Cleansing of Water
A. Sugunan, V. K. Guduru, A. Uheida, G. K. Rajarao, M. S. Toprak, and M. Muhammed.
34th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites,
ICACC'10, Jan 24-29, 2010, Daytona, FL, USA.
B2. Tunable Fe3O4-SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro
compatibility with immune-competent cells
C. M. Vogt, F. Ye, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed, A. Kunzmann, N. F. Torres, B. Fadeel, B.
Andersson, A. Scheynius, T. Thurnherr, H. Krug, S. Laurent, J. L. Bridot, R. N. Müller.
34th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites,
ICACC'10, Jan 24-29, 2010, Daytona, FL, USA.
B3. Crosslinked Pluronic F127 Ferrogels for Magnetically Controlled Drug Release
J.Qin, A. Fornara, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed. 34th International Conference &
Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites, ICACC'10, Jan 24-29, 2010, Daytona,
B4. Conducting and Magnetic PVTri-Fe3O4 Nanocomposites
A. Baykal, H. Kavas, Z. Durmus, A. Bozkurt, M. S. Toprak,
APA-2009 Polymer Science and Technology: Vision and Scenario, December 17-19, New
Delhi, India.
B5. Preparation and Characterization Polyaniline/Mn3O4 nanocomposite
A. Baykal, Z. Durmus, H. Kavas, M. S. Toprak, APA-2009 Polymer Science and
Technology: Vision and Scenario, December 17-19, New Delhi, India.
B6. L-lysine coated magnetite nanoparticles: Synthesis, Structural and Conductivity
T. G.Altınçekiç, Z.Durmuş, H.Kavas, M. S.Toprak, A.Baykal, A.Aslan, A.Bozkurt,
5.Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, 08-12 Haziran, 2009, Anadolu Üniv.
Yunus Emre Kampusü, Eskişehir.
B7. Ovalbumin mediated synthesis of Mn3O4
M. Direkçi, Z. Durmus, A. Baykal, H. Kavas, M. S. Toprak,
5.Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı, 08-12 Haziran, 2009, Anadolu Üniv.
Yunus Emre Kampusü, Eskişehir.
B8. Optimised Synthetic Route for Tuneable Shell SiO2@Fe3O4 Core-Shell Nanoparticles C.
M Vogt, M. Toprak, J. Shi, B. Fadeel, S. Brene, R. Sitnikov and M. Muhammed
2008 MRS Fall Meeting, Advances in Material Design for Regenerative Medicine, Drug
Delivery, and Targeting/Imaging, December 1 - 5, Boston, MA, USA
B9. Active Cooperative Assemblies Towards Nanocomposites (Poster)
M. S Toprak, C. Vogt and A. Sugunan
2008 MRS Fall Meeting, Advances in Material Design for Regenerative Medicine, Drug
Delivery, and Targeting/Imaging, December 1 - 5, Boston, MA, USA
Experimental investigation of an evaporator enhanced with a micro-porous structure
in a two-phase thermosyphon loop
R. Furberg, R. Khodabandeh, B. Palm, S. Li, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed
Proceedings of 2008 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Aug 10-14, Jacksonville,
Florida, USA, (2008)
Novel nanostructured macro-porous surfaces for enhanced boiling
S. Li, R. Furberg, M. Toprak, B. Palm, M. Muhammed
9th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, June 2-6, 2008, Rio de
Semiconductor Quantum Structures for In-vivo and In-vitro Visualization
A. Sugunan, R. S. Khan, M. S. Toprak, and M. Muhammed
Knowledge Based Industries & Nanotechnology Conference, February 11-12, 2008,
Cooperative assembly routes for nanocomposites (Invited Talk)
M. S. Toprak
Particles 2008, Particle Synthesis, Characterization, and Particle-Based Advanced
Materials, 10-13 May 2008, Wyndham Orlando Resort Hotel, Orlando, Florida/USA.
Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoelectric Bismuth Telluride Nanostructures
S. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Liang, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, Z. He, E. Mueller
International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, China 2007, June 4-6, 2007,
Tailoring magnetic microspheres with controlled porosity.
M. S. Toprak, B. J. McKenna, H. J. Waite, G. D. Stucky,
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Symposium W, Nov 27-Dec 1, 2006.
Processing and characterization of nano-structured ZrO2/CoSb3.
Z. He, C. Stiewe, S. Li, D. Platzek, G. Karpinski, E. Mueller, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed,
Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Aug 6-10,
Vienna/Austria, 2006.
Influence of phase composition on the thermoelectric properties of nanostructured
skutterudite-ceramic composites. C. Stiewe, Z. He, S. Li, D. Platzek, M. Toprak, E.
Mueller, M. Muhammed Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Thermoelectric,
Aug 6-10,Vienna/Austria, 2006.
Dendritically ordered nano-particles in a micro-porous structure for enhanced boiling.
Richard Furberg, Shanghua Li, Björn Palm, Muhammet Toprak, Mamoun Muhammed,
Proceedings of 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, Aug 13-18,
Sydney/Australia, 2006.
B19. Promising bulk nanostructured thermoelectrics. M. Muhammed,
M. S. Toprak, S. Li, C. Stiewe, D. Platzek, E. Mueller Proceedings European Conference
on Thermoelectrics 2006, paper 4 (2006).
B20. Thermoelectric properties of nanostructured CoSb3-Ceramic Composites
C. Stiewe, Z. He, D. Platzek, E. Mueller, S. Li, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed
Proceedings European Conference on Thermoelectrics 2006, paper 6 (2006).
B21. Annealing and Doping Effects on Thermopower of Nanostructured Bismuth Telluride
Thick Films.
S. Li, J. Zhou, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, D. Platzek, and E. Müller
Proceedings European Conference on Thermoelectrics 2006, paper 7 (2006).
B22. Fabrication of transparent polymer-inorganic hybrid material
S. Li, M. Toprak, Y. S. Jo, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.
876E, R8.45.1-R8.45.5 (2005).
B23. Novel Hybrid Composite for UV-Shielding
S. Li, M. Toprak, Y. S. Jo, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed, 2005 MRS spring meeting, Mar
28-Apr 1, MRS symposium proceeding, R(2005): no. 45.
B24. Surface modification of superparamagnetic nanoparticles for in vivo bio-medical applic
D. K. Kim, M. Toprak, M. Mikhaylova, Y. Zhang, M. Muhammed. Nanoparticulate Materi
als, Mat. Res. Soc., 704, 2002.
B25. In-situ gold coating of superparamagnetic nanoparticles by microemulsion method.
D. K. Kim, M. Mikhaylova, M. Toprak, Y. Zhang, M. Muhammed.
Nanoparticulate Materials, Mat. Res. Soc., 704, 2002
B26. Nanowire formation by electrodeposition in modified nanoporous polycrystalline anodic
alumina templates.
M. Mikhaylova, M. Toprak, D. K. Kim, Y. Zhang, M. Muhammed.
Nanoparticulate Materials, Mat. Res. Soc., 704, 2002.
B27. Encapsulation of magnetic particles in metallic hollow nanospheres.
M. Toprak, D. K. Kim, M. Mikhaylova, Y. Zhang, M. Muhammed.
Nanoparticulate Materials, Mat. Res. Soc., 704, 2002
B28. Nanopatterning 2D metallic surfaces by soft lithography.
M. S. Toprak, D. K. Kim, M. Mikhaylova, Y. Zhang, M. Muhammed,
Nanopatterning; From Ultralarge-Scale Integration to Biotechnology, Mat. Res. Soc., 705
, pp. Y.7.22.1-Y7.22.6, 2002.
B29. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic polymeric nanospheres.
D. K. Kim, M. Mikhaylova, M. Toprak, A. Guyou, Y. K. Jeong, and M. Muhammed, Surfa
ce Engineering 2002--Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Mat. Res. Soc., 750,
B30. Multilayer structures by self-assembly.
M. Toprak, D. K. Kim, M. Mikhaylova, M. Muhammed,
Nanomaterials for Structural Applications, Mat. Res. Soc., 740, 2003.
B31. Synthesis of sequential nanostripes by controlled electrochemical deposition.
M. Mikhaylova, M. Toprak, D. K. Kim, and M. Muhammed, Surface Engineering 2002-Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Mat. Res. Soc., 750, 2003.
B32. Fabrication and properties of self-assembled nanosized magnetic particles
Salazar-Alvarez, G., Mikhailova, M., Toprak, M., Zhang, Y., Muhammed, M.
Mat. Res. Soc., 707, 2002.
B33. Chemical Route to Nano-engineered Skutterudite.
M. Toprak, Yu Zhang, M. Muhammed, A.A. Zakhidov, R.H. Baughman and I. Khayrullin.
Proceedings of XVIIIth International Conference on Thermoelectrics, 382-385, IEEE (200
B34. Nano-engineered Thermoelectric Coating. M. Toprak, Yu Zhang, M. Muhammed, A.A.
Zakhidov, R.H. Baughman and I. Khayrullin. G.M. Chow et al. (eds.), Nanostructured Fil
ms and Coatings, 149-156 (2000), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
B35. Improvement of Thermoelectric Properties of Nano-grained CoSb3 Skutterudites Doped
with Ni (n) or Fe (p). C. Stiewe, M. Toprak, D. Platzek, E. Müller, and M. Muhammed, Pr
oceedings of the VIIth European Workshop on Thermoelectrics of the European Thermoe
lectric Society Pamplona, Spain, 03.10.-04.10.2002.
B36. Theoretical modeling of Te doped CoSb3,
L. Bertini, G. Borot, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E.
Müller, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C.
Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, Y. Zhang, Proceedings of ICT’03, IEEE Catalog No.
03TH8726 (2003), 85-88
B37. Pitfalls in Crystallographic Analysis of Doped Skutterudite Materials,
L. Bertini, G. Borot, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E.
Müller, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C.
Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, Y. Zhang, Proceedings of ICT’03, IEEE Catalog No.
03TH8726 (2003), 68-71
B38. Standardisation in thermoelectric transport properties measurements - The Cardiff
NEDO laboratories and DLR Cologne program
L. Bertini, G. Borot, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E.
Müller, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C.
Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, Y. Zhang, Proceedings of ICT’03, IEEE Catalog No.
03TH8726 (2003), 532-536
B39. Chemical Alloying and characterization of Nanocrystalline Co1-xNixSb3-yTey Skutterud
ites L. Bertini, G. Borot, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E.
Müller, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C.
Stiewe, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, Y. Zhang. in Proceedings of ICT2003, IEEE Catalog N
o. 03TH8726 (2003), p.117.
Grain Size Dependence of Transport Properties of Nano-engineered Thermoelectric C
L. Bertini, G. Borot, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E. Mül
ler, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stie
we, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, Y. Zhang. in Proceedings of ICT2003, IEEE Catalog No. 0
3TH8726 (2003), p.93.
Thermoelectric Properties of Nano-grained CoSb3 Skutterudites Doped with Nickel an
d Tellurium
L. Bertini, G. Borot, K. Billquist, M. Christensen, C. Gatti, L. Holmgren, B. Iversen, E. Mül
ler, M. Muhammed, G. Noriega, A. Palmqvist, D. Platzek, D.M. Rowe, A. Saramat, C. Stie
we, M. Toprak, S.G. Williams, Y. Zhang.
In Proceedings of ICT200, 3 IEEE Catalog No. 03TH8726 (2003), p. 48.
C. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler :
Hanna L. Karlsson, Muhammet Toprak, and Bengt Fadeel
Toxicity of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles. In 4th edition of Handbook on the
Toxicology of Metals. Edited by Gunnar Nordberg, Elsevier (2013).
C2.Muhammet S. Toprak, Gulaim A. Seisenbaeva, Vadim G. Kessler
Annex 1: Synthetic approaches to nanomaterials relevant for biomedical applications. In
Adverse Effects of Engineered Nanomaterials. Book edited by Fadeel, B.;
Pietroiusti, A.; Shvedova, A. Academic Press, ISBN 978-0123869401, 2012.
C3.M. S. Toprak, S. Li, M. Muhammed.
Chapter 2.2: Fabrication routes for nanostructured TE material architectures. In CRC
Handbook Thermoelectrics and its Energy Harvesting. Book edited by D.M. Rowe,
CRC Press, ISBN 9781439840412 (Bosa Roca) 2012.
C4.Muhammed, M. and Toprak, M
Chapter_41 Nanostructured Skutterudites. In Thermoelectrics Handbook: Macro to
Nano-Structured Materials;
Book edited by D.M. Rowe, CRC Press, ISBN 978-0849322648 (Boca Raton) 2006.
D. Patent ve patent basvurulari
D1. Enhancement of boiling heat transfer by Nanofluid.
Mohammad, Zhang, Toprak, Witharana, Palm. Swedish Patent Application 0301262-2
D2. Porous Layer on heat exchanger to increase surface area and heat transfer
R. Furberg, B. Palm, S. Li, M. Muhammed, M. Toprak
PCT Int. Appl. (2007), 56, CODEN: PIXXD2, WO 2007100297, A1 20070907, CAN
147:346365, AN 2007:998660.
D3. Oxidation protective coating of magnetic nanoparticles and methods of preparation.
D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed, Y. Zhang, M. Toprak (Swedish Patent Application No:
D4. Suspensions of mesoporous silica as heat exchange fluids and method of preparation
M. Muhammed, N. Nikkam, M. S. Toprak, S. Li, M. Saleemi (Swedish patent application
No: 10009249)
D5. Method and Apparatus for a simple determination of the stability of suspensions
N. Nikkam, M. Saleemi, E.B. Haghighi, M. Reza, M. Toprak, R. Khodabandeh, M.
Muhammed (Swedish patent application No: 11009610)
D6. Heat exchange Fluid Comprising Layered Structured Particles in a Base Liquid, Method
of Preparation Thereof and Its Application,
Nader Nikkam, Muhammet S. Toprak, Peter Krajnik and Amir Rashid,
(Swedish patent application No: 1230064‐6)
D7. Metalworking Fluid Comprising Layered Structured Particles in a Base Liquid, Method of
Preparation Thereof and Its Application
Nader Nikkam, Muhammet S. Toprak, P. Krajnik and Amir Rashid,
(Swedish patent application No: 1230063-8)
E. Hakemlik (Review/Referee) yaptigi dergiler
Advanced Functional Materials
Angew. Chemie
Chemistry of Materials
European Polymer Journal
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Journal of Nanoparticle Research
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Journal of Colloids and Interface Science
Journal of Thermal Sciences
Materials Chemistry and Physics
Materials Science and Engineering B
Physics Status Solidi- Rapid Research Letters
SRX Materials Science
F. Ulusal ve Uluslararasi Konferans Sunumlari
F1. Thermoelectric Materials for Energy Harvesting (Plenary Talk)
M. Toprak
(ABAS) 1st International Conference on Advanced Basic & Applied Sciences, Nov 6-9, 2012, Hurghada, Egypt.
F2. Quantum dots based hybrid nanocomposites for photovoltaics
Abhilash Sugunan, Yichen Zhao, Xuran Yang, Muhammet Toprak, and Mamoun Muhammed
(ABAS) 1st International Conference on Advanced Basic & Applied Sciences, Nov 6-9, 2012, Hurghada, Egypt.
F3. Poly (3-thiophene acetic acid)/Fe3O4 Nanocomposite
Z. Durmus, M. Aydın, H.Kavas, B.Esat, H.Sözeri, A. Baykal, M.S. Toprak
NN12 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference 2012, October 1–4, INFN – LNF, Frascati – Italy.
F4. Poly(vinyl phosphonic acid) (PVPA)–Fe3O4 nanocomposite
Z. Durmus, A. Baykal, H. Erdemi, M.S. Toprak, H. Sozeri
NN12 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference 2012, October 1–4, INFN – LNF, Frascati – Italy.
F5. Synthesis and characterization of L-histidine coated Fe3O4 nanocomposite
A. Demir, Z. Durmus, A. Baykal, B. Unal, H. Sozeri, M.S. Toprak
NN12 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference 2012, October 1–4, INFN – LNF, Frascati – Italy.
F6. Tunable superparamagnetic Fe3O4-SiO2 core-shell composite nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Muhammet S Toprak, Carmen Vogt, Adrine Khachatoorian, Mamoun Muhammed
8th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – 2012 (NANO TR8), June 25-29, Ankara, Turkey.
F7. The distribution of electrons and holes in quasi type-II quantum dots
Abhilash Sugunan, Yichen Zhao, Muhammet S Toprak, Mamoun Muhammed
8th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – 2012 (NANO TR8), June 25-29, Ankara, Turkey.
F8. A comparative study of rheological properties and thermal conductivity of silver nanofluids in water and
ethylene glycol base fluids
Nader Nikkam, Sathya Prakash Singh, Mohsin Saleemi, Muhammet Toprak, Mamoun Muhammed
8th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – 2012 (NANO TR8), June 25-29, Ankara, Turkey.
F9. Porous thermoelectric Bi2Te3 via electro-deposition
Mohsen Yakhshi Tafti, Mohsin Saleemi, Muhammet S. Toprak, Mamoun Muhammed
European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Conference Spring 2012, Strasbourg, France, May 2012.
F10. Effect of nanoparticle morphology on thermal conductivity and rheology of Zinc Oxide Nanofluids
N.Nikkam, M. Saleemi, M. S. Toprak , S. P. Singh, M. Muhammed.
European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Conference Spring 2012, Strasbourg, France, May 2012.
F11. Novel Synthesis Approach for Cobalt Antimonide (CoSb3) Thermoelectric Material by Sol-Gel Precursor Route
M. Saleemi, M. Stingaciu, M. Y. Tafti, M. S. Toprak, M. Johnsson, M.S. Martín-Gonzalez, P. Diaz-Chao, M. Jägle,
A. Jacquot, M. Muhammed.
International and European Conference on Thermoelectrics 2012, Alborg, Denmark, Jul 2012.
F12. Phase content influence on thermoelectric properties of nanostructured manganese silicide based materials for
middle-high temperature
S. Battiston, M. Saleemi, A. Famengo, S. Boldrini, S. Fiameni, F. Agresti, M. Stingaciu, M. Jhonsson, M.
Fabrizio, M.S. Toprak, S. Barison
International and European Conference on Thermoelectrics 2012, Alborg, Denmark, Jul 2012.
F13. Synthesis and characterization of Al-doped Mg2Si thermoelectric materials
S. Fiameni, S. Boldrini, M. Saleemi, S. Battiston, A. Famengo, F. Agresti, M. Stingaciu, M. Jhonsson, M.
Fabrizio, M.S. Toprak, S. Barison.
International and European Conference on Thermoelectrics 2012, Alborg, Denmark, Jul 2012.
F14. Introduction of nanosized oxides in Mg2Si thermoelectric materials
A. Famengo, M. Saleemi, M.S. Toprak, M. Stingaciu, M. Jhonsson, S. Fiameni, S. Boldrini, S. Battiston, S.
International and European Conference on Thermoelectrics 2012, Alborg, Denmark, Jul 2012.
F15. A comparative study of Co1-xFexSb3 synthesized via solid state and chemical co-precipitation precursor routes
M. Y. Tafti, M. Saleemi, M. S. Toprak, M Muhammed, M. Stingaciu, M. Johnsson, M. Jägle, A. Jacquot, M.S.
Martín-Gonzalez, P. Diaz-Chao.
International and European Conference on Thermoelectrics 2012, Alborg, Denmark, Jul 2012,
F16. Spark Plasma Sintering and Thermoelectric Evaluation of Nanostructured Magnesium Silicide (Mg2Si)
Mohsin Saleemi, Muhammet S. Toprak, Stefania Fiameni, Stefano Boldrini, Simone Battiston, Alessia Famengo,
Marian Stingaciu, Mats Johnsson, Mamoun Muhammed.
European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Conference Spring 2012, Strasbourg, France, May 2012
F17. Measurement of temperature-dependent viscosity of nanofluids and its effect on pumping power in cooling
E. Bitaraf Haghighi, M. Ghadamgahi, M. Behi, S. A. Mirmohammadi, R. Khodabandeh, B. Palm, M. Saleemi, N.
Nikkam, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed.
6th European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2012), September 04 - 07, 2012, Poitiers Futuroscope France,
F18. Bulk Nanostructured Thermoelectric Bismuth Telluride (invited talk)
Muhammet Toprak
4th International Conference on Nanostructures-ICNS4, March 12-14, 2012; Kish Island, Iran.
F19. One Step Synthesis of Ceria (CeO2) Nanofluids with enhanced thermal conductivity
M. Saleemi, N. Nikkam, M. S. Toprak, E. B. Haghighi, M. Muhammed, R. Khodabandeh, B. Palm
7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – 2011 (NANO TR7), July 27-Aug 1, Istanbul, Turkey.
F20. Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Copper Nanofluids for Heat Transfer Applications
N. Nikkam, M. Saleemi, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, E.B.Haghighi, R.Khodabandeh and B.Palm
7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – 2011 (NANO TR7), July 27-Aug 1, Istanbul, Turkey.
F21. Bulk Nanostructured Thermoelectric Bismuth Telluride
M. S. Toprak, M. Saleemi
7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – 2011 (NANO TR7), July 27-Aug 1, Istanbul, Turkey.
F22. Next Generation Nano-engineered Thermoelectric Converters - from concept to industrial validation – NEXTEC
M. S. Toprak
7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference – 2011 (NANO TR7), July 27-Aug 1, Istanbul, Turkey.
F23. Bulk nanostructured thermoelectric materials.
M. S. Toprak, S. Li, M. Saleemi, A. Khan, and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F24. A surfactant-free Route to Quasi-octahedral CeO2 Mesocrystals for SOFCs Application
X. Wang, Y. Ma, J. Qin, M. S. Toprak, B. Zhu, and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F25. Low temperature synthesis and formation mechanism of CdTe nanotetrapods.
A. Sugunan, J. Qin, M. S. Toprak, and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F26. Ceria Nanofluids for Efficient Heat Management.
M. Saleemi, M. S. Toprak, S. Li, Y. Ma, X. Wang, N. Nikkam, M. Muhammed, E. B. Haghighi, R. Khodabandeh,
B. Palm
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F27. Grafting Thermosensitive Polymer onto Nanocrystals
F. Ye, J. Qin, S. Laurent, M. S. Toprak, R. Muller and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F28. Laser triggered drug release from smart polymeric nanospheres containing gold nanorods.
D. Bacinello, A. Fornara, J. Qin, F. Ye, M. S. Toprak and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F29. Low-dimensional thermoelectric bismuth telluride.
S. Li, M. S. Toprak, A. Sugunan, and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F30. Microwave synthesis of nanostructured semiconductor materials.
R. Khan, M. Toprak and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F31. Novel Nanofluids Based on Mesoporous Silica for Enhanced Heat Transfer.
N.Nikkam, M. Saleemi, S. Li, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, E. B. Haghighi, R. Khodabandeh, and B. Palm
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F32. Novel SDC nanowires/Na2CO3 nanocomposite electrolyte for low-temperature SOFCs.
Y. Ma, X. Wang, S. Li, M. S. Toprak, B. Zhu, and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F33. PLGA based multifunctional nanoparticles for drug delivery applications.
A. Fornara, A. Chiavarino, J. Qin, M. S. Toprak and M. Muhammed
X International Conference on “Nanostructured Materials” (NANO 2010), September 13-17, Rome, Italy.
F34. Synthesis, Conductivity and Dielectric Characterization of Salicylic Acid-Fe3O4 Nanocomposite
A. Baykal, B. Unal, Z. Durmus, H. Kavas, M. S. Toprak,
NanoTR-VI’6 Conference 15-18 June 2010, Çeşme-İzmir/Turkey, Jun. 2010.
F35. Covalent Immobilization of Invertase on PAMAM-Dendrimer Modified Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide
K. Uzun, E Çevik, M. Şenel, H. Sözeri, A. Baykal, M. F. Abasıyanık, M.S. Toprak,
NanoTR-VI’6 Conference 15-18 June 2010, Çeşme-İzmir/Turkey.
F36. PEG assisted synthesis of Mn3O4 Nanoparticles: Structural and Magnetic Study,
A.Baykal, M.Tomaş, Z.Durmus, H.Kavas, M.S.Toprak,
NanoTR-VI’6 Conference 15-18 June 2010, Çeşme-İzmir/Turkey.
F37. Polyol Synthesis of PVP– Mn3O4 Nanocomposite
Z. Durmus, A. Baykal, H. Kavas, M.S. Toprak
NanoTR-VI’6 Conference 15-18 June 2010, Çeşme-İzmir/Turkey.
F38. Magnetic and dielectric characterization of alginic acid-Fe3O4 nanocomposite,
H. Sözeri, Z. Durmuş, B. Unal, A. Baykal, M.S. Toprak,
International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 25-30 April 2010, Antalya/TURKEY.
F39. Synthesis and magnetic characterization of CuFe2O4 nanorods by Polyol Method
T.G. Altınçekic, Z.Durmuş, I. Boz, A. Baykal, B.Aktaş, M.S. Toprak,
International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 25-30 April 2010, Antalya/TURKEY.
F40. Polyol Synthesis of PVP – Mn3O4 Nanocomposite,
T.G.Altınçekiç, A. Baykal, N.Bıtrak, H. Kavas, Z. Durmus, M.S. Toprak,
International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 25-30 April 2010, Antalya/TURKEY.
F41. Synthesis, structural and conductivity characterization of alginic acid-Fe3O4 nanocomposite
H. Sözeri , B. Unal , M.S. Toprak , Z. Durmus, A. Baykal,
International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 25-30 April 2010, Antalya/TURKEY.
F42. Sonochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Mn3O4 Nanoparticles
H. Sözeri, A. Baykal, H. Kavas, Z. Durmus, M.S. Toprak,
International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, 25-30 April 2010, Antalya/TURKEY.
F43. PLLA-ZnO Hierarchical Nanostructure as Multifunctional Active Material for Photocatalytic Cleansing of Water
Abhilash Sugunan, Veerendra K Guduru, Abdusalam Uheida, Gunaratna K Rajarao, Muhammet S Toprak,
Mamoun Muhammed,
34th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 24-29, 2010,
Daytona Beach FL USA.
F44. Crosslinked Pluronic F127 Ferrogels for Magnetically Controlled Drug Release (ORAL)
Jian Qin, Andrea Fornara, Muhammet S Toprak, Mamoun Muhammed,
34th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 24-29, 2010,
Daytona Beach FL USA.
F45. Tunable superparamagnetic Fe3O4-SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro
compatibility with immune-competent cells (ORAL)
C. Vogt, A. Kunzmann, N. Feliu Torres, J. Shi, B. Andersson, S. Gabrielsson, T. Thurnherr, P. Wick, S. Laurent,
J.-L. Bridot, R. Mueller,
M. S Toprak, H. F Krug, A. Scheynius, B. Fadeel, M. Muhammed,
34th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, June 24-29, 2010,
Daytona Beach FL USA.
F46. Conducting and Magnetic PVTri-Fe3O4 Nanocomposites (ORAL)
A. Baykal, H. Kavas, Z. Durmus, A. Bozkurt, M. S. Toprak,
APA-2009 Polymer Science and Technology: Vision and Scenario, December 17-19, New Delhi, India.
F47. Synthesis, characterization and biocompatibility of tuneable superparamagnetic Fe3O4-SiO2 core – shell
nanoparticles (POSTER)
C. Vogt, A. Kunzmann, N. F. Torres, J. Shi, T. Thurnherr, P. Wick, S. Laurent, Jean-Luc Bridot, R. Muller, M.
Toprak, H. F. Krug, B. Fadeel, M. Muhammed,
6th Key Symposium Nanomedicine, 9-11 September 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
F48. Preparation and Characterization Polyaniline/Mn3O4 nanocomposite (POSTER)
A. Baykal, Z. Durmus, H. Kavas, M. S. Toprak, APA-2009
Polymer Science and Technology: Vision and Scenario, December 17-19, New Delhi, India.
F49. Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Simultaneous Targeted Drug Delivery and Visualization (POSTER)
Andrea Fornara, Alberto Recalenda, Jian Qin, Jing Zou, Abhilash Sugunan, Muhammet Toprak, Ilmari
Pyykkö, Mamoun Muhammed,
EuroNanoMed, Sept. 28-30, 2009, Bled, SLOVENIA.
F50. L-lysine coated magnetite nanoparticles: Synthesis, Structural and Conductivity Characterization (POSTER)
T.G.Altınçekiç, Z.Durmuş, H.Kavas, M. S.Toprak, A.Baykal, A.Aslan, A.Bozkurt,
5th International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, 08-12 June, 2009, Anadolu Univ., Eskişehir,
F51. Ovalbumin mediated synthesis of Mn3O4 (POSTER)
M. Direkçi, Z. Durmus, A. Baykal, H. Kavas, M. S. Toprak
5th International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, 08-12 June, 2009, Anadolu Univ., Eskişehir,
F52. Optimised Synthetic Route for Tuneable Shell SiO2@Fe3O4 Core-Shell Nanoparticles (ORAL)
C. M Vogt, M. Toprak, J. Shi, B. Fadeel, S. Brene, R. Sitnikov and M. Muhammed
2008 MRS Fall Meeting, Advances in Material Design for Regenerative Medicine, Drug Delivery, and
Targeting/Imaging, December 1 - 5, Boston, MA, USA
Active Cooperative Assemblies Towards Nanocomposites (Poster)
M. S Toprak, C. Vogt and A. Sugunan
2008 MRS Fall Meeting, Advances in Material Design for Regenerative Medicine, Drug Delivery, and
Targeting/Imaging, December 1 - 5, Boston, MA, USA
F54. Synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles at 100 oC and its magnetic characterization
H. Kavas, T. Ozkaya, M.S. Toprak, A. Baykal, Y. Köseoğlu, A.C. Başaran, B. Aktaş,
2nd ISS-Physics of Functional Micro- and Nanostructures, Sep. 2008, Hamburg/Germany.
F55. Experimental investigation of an evaporator enhanced with a micro-porous structure in a two-phase
thermosyphon loop (ORAL)
R. Furberg, R. Khodabandeh, B. Palm, S. Li, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed
ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Aug 10-14, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, (2008)
F56. Novel nanostructured macro-porous surfaces for enhanced boiling (Oral)
S. Li, R. Furberg, M. Toprak, B. Palm, M. Muhammed
9th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, June 2-6, 2008, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
F57. Semiconductor Quantum Structures for In-vivo and In-vitro Visualization (Poster)
Sugunan, R. S. Khan, M. S. Toprak, and M. Muhammed
Knowledge Based Industries & Nanotechnology Conference, February 11-12, 2008, Doha/Qatar
F58. Cooperative assembly routes for nanocomposites (Invited Talk)
M. S. Toprak
Particles 2008, Particle Synthesis, Characterization, and Particle-Based Advanced Materials, 10-13 May 2008,
Wyndham Orlando Reseort Hotel, Orlando, Florida/USA.
F59. Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoelectric Bismuth Telluride Nanostructures (ORAL)
S. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Liang, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, Z. He, E. Mueller
International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, China 2007, June 4-6, 2007, Beijing/China
F60. Tailoring magnetic microspheres with controlled porosity. (POSTER)
M. S. Toprak, B. J. McKenna, H. J. Waite, G. D. Stucky,
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2006, Nov 27-Dec 1,Boston, MA, USA.
F61. Processing and characterization of nano-structured ZrO2/CoSb3. (ORAL)
Z. He, C. Stiewe, S. Li, D. Platzek, G. Karpinski, E. Mueller, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed,
25th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Aug 6-10, Vienna/Austria, 2006.
F62. Influence of phase composition on the thermoelectric properties of nanostructured skutterudite-ceramic
composites. (ORAL)
C. Stiewe, Z. He, S. Li, D. Platzek, M. Toprak, E. Mueller, M. Muhammed
25th International Conference on Thermoelectric, Aug 6-10,Vienna/Austria, 2006.
F63. Dendritically ordered nano-particles in a micro-porous structure for enhanced boiling. (ORAL)
Richard Furberg, Shanghua Li, Björn Palm, Muhammet Toprak, Mamoun Muhammed,
13th International Heat Transfer Conference, Aug 13-18, Sydney/Australia, 2006.
F64. Promising bulk nanostructured thermoelectrics. (Invited Talk)
M. Muhammed, M. S. Toprak, S. Li, C. Stiewe, D. Platzek, E. Mueller
ECT2006, 4th European Thermoelectric Conference, April 10-11, 2006, Cardiff, Wales UK
F65. Thermoelectric properties of nanostructured CoSb3-Ceramic Composites (ORAL)
C. Stiewe, Z. He, D. Platzek, E. Mueller, S. Li, M. Toprak, M. Muhammed
ECT2006, 4th European Thermoelectric Conference, April 10-11, 2006, Cardiff, Wales UK
F66. Annealing and Doping Effects on Thermopower of Nanostructured Bismuth Telluride Thick Films. (ORAL)
S. Li, J. Zhou, M. S. Toprak, M. Muhammed, D. Platzek, and E. Müller
ECT2006, 4th European Thermoelectric Conference, April 10-11, 2006, Cardiff, Wales UK
F67. Fabrication of transparent polymer-inorganic hybrid material (ORAL)
S. Li, M. Toprak, Y. S. Jo, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed,
Materials Research Society spring meeting 2005, Mar 28-Apr 1, San-Francisco, USA.
F68. Novel Hybrid Composite for UV-Shielding (POSTER)
S. Li, M. Toprak, Y. S. Jo, D. K. Kim, M. Muhammed,
Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2005, Mar 28-Apr 1, San-Francisco, USA.